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How do outstanding Foreign College Graduates work in China?
Source:人力资源和社会保障局 | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-06-06 | 1621 Views: | Share:
For outstanding Foreign University/College Graduates, how can you work in China? Here is the notice.

(2) The quota management is implemented on the foreign university/college graduates work in China. The provincial human resources and social security departments shall, according to factors such as the quantity of foreign university/college graduates demanded by the local enterprises and the employment situation of local university/college graduates in the region, propose the demanded quota quantity and submit it to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security before December 1st of each year. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will comprehensively study and determine the national and provincial (district, city) quotas for the next year. The results will be publicized in an appropriate manner and copied to the diplomatic, educational, and public security departments for implementation. The quota demands for 2017 should be submitted by the provincial human resources and social security departments before January 31st, 2017.