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Call for Entries: 2022 Industrial Design Competition, China (Wenzhou) -- "Longgang Cup" Printing and Packaging Design Special Competition
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-04-12 | 1457 Views: | Share:
Call for Entries:
2022 Industrial Design Competition, China (Wenzhou) --
"Longgang Cup" Printing and Packaging Design Special Competition


V. Policy Support

The policy support refers to the second to seventh articles of the policy of the 2022 "Mayor's Cup" China (Wenzhou) Industrial Design Competition.


VI. Criteria & Judging

·  The preliminary round: For the special award entries, a panel of expert judges will make a preliminary assessment of the entries on-site or through an online judging system. The number of entries selected for the final round of the Special Award Competition will depend on the different categories situations.

·  The final round: The finalists will be judged by a panel of experts who will select the gold, silver and bronze medal winners. The gold and silver winners of the Special Award can also choose to participate in the Product Award and Creativity Award  in the repechage round of the 2022 Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition, China (Wenzhou) competition, and the winner can choose the higher bonus of the special competition award, product award and creativity award(choose one, non-repeated). 


VII.  Calendar

· June 30, 2022:   Submission of preliminary competition works  

· July 2022:   Preliminary evaluation and announcement of shortlist  

· August 2022:   Final evaluation

· September -- November 2022:   Award Ceremony


VIII. Ownership of Works

The intellectual property rights of all entries belong to the authors. The organizing committee has the right to promote, display and publish the works.

All electronic materials submitted for the competition will not be returned.


IX. Registration and submission of works

Domestic and foreign design institutions and enterprises, teachers and students of higher education institutions, and independent designers are eligible to apply for the competition. Participating units and individuals can declare more than one entry, but each entry can only be submitted in one category of one award, otherwise it is considered invalid.