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Call for Entries: 2022" Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition in China (Wenzhou)--"Yunjiang Cup" Auto and Motorcycle Design Special Award Competition
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-04-12 | 1414 Views: | Share:
Call for Entries:
2022" Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition in China (Wenzhou)--"Yunjiang Cup" Auto and Motorcycle Design Special Award Competition

In order to promote the innovative development of Wenzhou auto and motorcycle parts industry, strengthen the innovation design drive, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the auto and motorcycle parts industry, the "Yunjiang Cup" Auto and Motorcycle Parts Design Special Award Competition of the 2022 Industrial Design Competition will be held inChina (Wenzhou).


I. Theme  

· Theme: green, low carbon,  common wealth.

· Aim: to promote the common prosperity of Wencheng, cultivate the development of ecologically superior industries, introduce and train green design talents, enhance the level of auto-motorcycle design empowerment, and promote the high-quality development of Wenzhou auto-motorcycle industry.


II. Organization

· Guidance unit: Wenzhou Municipal People's Government

· Sponsor:  Wenzhou Economic And Information Bureau, Wencheng County People's Government

· Organizers: Wencheng County Bureau of Economy, Commerce and Information Technology, Wenzhou Industrial Design Association


III. Submitting Work and Award

Categories of works

· Auto parts design: mainly for traditional cars or new energy vehicles related parts, including but not limited to exterior parts, interior parts, brakes and brake assembly system, EFI system assembly, wiper motor system assembly, clutch assembly, high-end modified brake assembly, suspension system and other key auto parts field design, etc.

· Car modification design: mainly modifying and designing the existing models, including but not limited to external surroundings, audio, car pedals, shock absorbers, wheels, reinforcement parts, lighting, interior trim, luggage rack, etc.

· Auto products design: mainly auto-related peripheral extension products, including but not limited to car fans, car aromatherapy, car electrical appliances, cell phone holders, shelves, multi-functional hooks, car defrost, fog, snow, ice products, car formaldehyde products, car shading products, anti-sickness products, etc.