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Chinese visa requirements for Korean covers overseas students
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-08-24 | 768 Views: | Share:
Chinese visa requirements for Korean covers overseas students

Chinese visa requirements for Korean covers overseas students

For long-term(X1) and short-term(X2) student visa

• If you are studying in a Chinese educational or training institution, please submit the origianal copy of studying certificate.

• If you want to apply for X1 or X2 visa without valid residence permit, please submit the original copy of JW201/JW202 form generated upon admission acceptance and the original copy of admission letter. 

유효한 유학 거류증을 소지하지 않은 한국인은 중국 교육부에서 발급하고 관련 기관의 도장이 찍혀있는 <외국인유학생중국비자신청서>(JW201혹은JW202표)원본과 학교에서 발급한 입학통지서 원본을 추가로 제출하여 유학비자(X1,X2)를 신청할 수 있습니다. 이미 재학중인 유학생은 재학증명서 원본을 제출하면 됩니다.


Editor | Rosaline Dou

Source | Embassy of People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea

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