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Emergency use of coronavirus vaccines authorized in China
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-08-24 | 1634 Views: | Share:
China has already authorized emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines developed by domestic companies, a senior health official said on Saturday.


The inactivated vaccine also received approval for phaseIII clinical trials in the United Arab Emirates on June 23, and in Peru and Morocco on Thursday.

On June 16CNBG stated that the phaseI and phaseII clinical trials of its inactivated vaccine had showed good performance in safety and effectiveness on vaccinated volunteers. No subjects reported serious adverse reactions, the company said.

According to the World Health Organization, by Aug 66 vaccine candidates have started phaseIII clinical trials, with 3 developed by China.

Editor | Rosaline Dou

Source | ChinaDaily