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Emergency use of coronavirus vaccines authorized in China
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-08-24 | 1635 Views: | Share:
China has already authorized emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines developed by domestic companies, a senior health official said on Saturday.

Emergency use of coronavirus vaccines authorized

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China has already authorized emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines developed by domestic companies, a senior health official said on Saturday.

Zheng Zhongweihead of China's COVID-19 vaccine development task force and an official at the National Health Commission, said in the CCTV column "Dialogue" on the evening of the 22nd, that the emergency use is according to the Chinese vaccine management law, allows vaccine candidates to be used for a limited period of time among certain people at high risk of contracting the disease, such as medical workersfront-line pandemic control workers and Customs workers.

source:  ChinaDaily

To prevent a possible resurgence of the novel coronavirus pandemic in the autumn and winter, the scope of people allowed to be inoculated will be further increased to make sure that cities can function well when a health crisis comes, he said.

The price of the vaccines will be based on their costsinstead of market demand, Zheng said. "It's not to say that the companies can't make a profit from the vaccines, but the essential rule is that the profit should be moderate and reasonable and based on the costs of making the vaccines."
The production capacity of the vaccines by domestic companies can meet the demand for emergency use and ongoing clinical trials, he added.

Yang XiaomingCEO of China National Biotec Group, a subsidiary of China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), said the company has signed agreements with several countries on phaseIII clinical trials of the inactivated vaccine developed by the company over the past months.

"More than 20,000 people have been vaccinated," Yang said. "Vaccine safety is well guaranteed and its effectiveness is being closely monitored