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Have you tried these traditional Wenzhou sweets
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-11-30 | 1493 Views: | Share:
The sweets in Wenzhou you never want to miss!


  The process of making maltose is more complicated, especially sugaring. The whole sugaring process is like a martial arts master doing his training. The authentic Wenzhou maltose is very light. When we take a bite, the aroma of fried rice noodles rushes to our tongues at first, then the special sweetness of maltose is followed. 


  Furong candy, also known as Wenzhou Sachima, is made by concocting white flour and eggs into a ball, pressing it into a uniform and thin sheet jelly. Then frying the sheet jelly into flower-shaped slice with lard oil, adding sugar with syrup. Next, sprinkle Osmanthus on it and cut it into pieces.


  Lard cake is a thin glutinous rice ball made of glutinous rice and white sugar. It is fried in lard until its skin gets crispy. When eating, people always sprinkle some white sugar and wrap it with gardenia leaves. It tastes oily but not greasy. With its simplicity and quaintness, lark cakes have been loved by generations of Wenzhou people.


   In the eyes of Wenzhou people, the summer is incomplete, if without a bowl of almond jelly. It is made of agar plus milk, sugar, water, etc. The shape and fresh taste of the finished product are much like tofu. Have a bowl of rich almond jelly, which is so full to probably overflow, in the hot summer afternoon and put in oranges, yellow peaches, mango, dried bayberry, raisins and other ingredients. What a cool enjoyment! It will cool down and quench your thirst.

  These sweets are the favorites of Wenzhou people. The taste of every food is a reunion with the past and their memories. How long has it been since you tasted the flavor of your hometown? What interesting experience do you have between you and Wenzhou traditional sweets? Join in the conversation of WenzhouDaily!
