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@Foreigners, NIA launches new policies for border exit & entry
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-07-18 | 1465 Views: | Share:
The NIA announced at the meeting that it would promote the policies of conveniences for border exit & entry nationwide.
  The Ministry of Public Security held a press conference in Beijing today. The National Immigration Administration announced at the meeting that it would promote the policies of conveniences for border exit & entry nationwide. Up to now, the exit & entry administrations of local public security departments over the country have issued 133,000 visas and residence permits for foreigner businessmen, foreign investors, foreign technicians and other foreigners.

  The National Immigration Bureau has conducted a comprehensive assessment and in-depth investigation on the current policies of immigration and measures of conveniences for border exit & entry that are applicable to national prioritized development areas. The 12 policies which will encourage, support and facilitate foreign talents, foreign outstanding young people and overseas Chinese to come to China for entrepreneurship, investment, study and employment have been promoted and replicated. And the 12 policies will be implemented nationwide since August 1, 2019, covering four main areas:

Expand the scope of foreign residents applying for permanent residence.

  The high-level foreign talents, the overseas Chinese with doctoral degrees or long-term working experience in national prioritized development areas, foreign talents who have outstanding contributions or meet special demands for the country, foreigners who are long-term working in China and meet wage annual income standards and taxation standards, could be allowed to apply for permanent residence in China. And the foreign spouse and minor children of the above-mentioned personnel can apply together.


Liberalize the scope of issuing long-term visas and residence permits.

  Optimize the business environment and issue long-term valid visas and residence permits for foreigners who come to China for business, work or study. For foreign talents who are invited by domestic key institutions of higher learning, research institutes and well-known companies to come to China to engage in technical cooperation, economic and trade activities, and the foreign high-level talent teams and their auxiliary personnel, 2-5 years valid visas or residence permits should be issued.