Foreigners' Comprehensive Services Hotline: 400-8678-110
@Foreigners, NIA launches new policies for border exit & entry
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-07-18 | 1466 Views: | Share:
The NIA announced at the meeting that it would promote the policies of conveniences for border exit & entry nationwide.

Broaden the scope of bringing in foreign talents.

 Providing services such as issuing of visa and residence permit, and other convenience services to foreign outstanding young people in China for entrepreneurship and innovation, including foreign students who have graduated from domestic key universities or international renowned universities, and those invited to internships in China by domestic renowned companies and institutions. 

Improve the service & management level on foreigners.

  Exploring the establishment of immigration service centers (sites) in areas where foreigners are concentrated, providing work and life convenience services for resident foreigners, such as policy consultation, residence & travel, legal aid, language & culture.

The National Immigration Bureau will strengthen guidance and coordination to ensure that policies and measures are enforced effectively, and create an efficient and high-quality exit & entry environment for foreigners to come to China for innovation, entrepreneurship, cooperative development, work & life.
