Foreigners' Comprehensive Services Hotline: 400-8678-110
Please correct the "Wrong Translation" in Wenzhou
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-06-12 | 1544 Views: | Share:
We sincerely invite you to join our activity which is correting the wrong translation in Wenzhou public areas.

As a person living in Wenzhou, have you ever come across an English Translation that is hard to understand or brings confusion? Were you able to get the meaning or not?

Wenzhou Overseas Publicity Base invites you to participate in this activity of "Wenzhou’s  International Language Environment Construction & The Correction of English Translation in Public areas” by finding faults on English translations in the urban public areas. 

We will randomly select some participants to distribute gifts.Thanks a lot for your participation.This activity will end on June 30.
You have three ways to participate:

You can go to streets,parks or scenic spots with our volunteers

to find those faults on English translations. If you’d like to participate in this way. Please call us to register :4008678110.

②You can take a photo of the incorrect translation including the location, your mobile phone number and send it to us. (You can send directly to Wenzhoudaily official WeChat account.

Please add the text note as follows:

Location of image taken+ English translation error + Name of contact person + Contact information

 You can  share any suggestions with us about English translation errors in Wenzhou by calling our Hotline. It will also serve as the English translation correction hotline at the same time.You are welcome to call us! 

There are other cities in China which 
are dealing with this issue as well:


Binjiang Scenery Belt, as the “City Card” of Nanjing,

is also full of English translation errors.

On the Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Highway,

the English translation on its highway sign

really confuses the foreign friend who is visiting