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The Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-04-04 | 1806 Views: | Share:
Breeding dogs in Wenzhou have to pay management service fees! It has been included in the annual legislative plan for local regulations

The Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system

Wenzhou Municipal Dog-breeding Management Regulation" has been included in the 2019 Wenzhou municipal annual legislative plan for local regulations. Recently, the relevant departments announced the "Wenzhou Municipal Dog-breeding Management Regulation (Drafting for Review)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"), and solicited opinions from all walks of life. The Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system, and apply a dog registration system in key management areas. In principle, each household is limited to keep one ordinary dog.

Dog-breeder must abide by regulation in case of going out while carrying dogs 

  The "Regulation" regulates the behaviors of dog-breeding, especially the specific requirements on dog-breeders going out while carrying dogs, such as using under-2-meters dog ropes to lead dogs; carrying cleaning tools to immediately tidy up dog droppings; taking public transport with dog not allowed; getting the consent of the driver and fellow passengers in case of taking a taxi with dog.

  The "Regulation" also stipulates specific requirements on the prohibited zones (dog-breeding & dog-accessing prohibited), dog-injured responsibilities, quarantine and disposal of sick dogs, and detailed requirements for containment, adoption and management.
In addition, the "Regulation" also gives units and individuals the right of informing, stipulating that the relevant departments should establish a reward system for informing, and the information received should be processed within 24 hours, and the handing situation should be notified to the informers.

The county-level people's government delimits the specific scope of dog-breeding regional management