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The Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-04-04 | 1808 Views: | Share:
Breeding dogs in Wenzhou have to pay management service fees! It has been included in the annual legislative plan for local regulations

The Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system

Wenzhou Municipal Dog-breeding Management Regulation" has been included in the 2019 Wenzhou municipal annual legislative plan for local regulations. Recently, the relevant departments announced the "Wenzhou Municipal Dog-breeding Management Regulation (Drafting for Review)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"), and solicited opinions from all walks of life. The Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system, and apply a dog registration system in key management areas. In principle, each household is limited to keep one ordinary dog.

Dog-breeder must abide by regulation in case of going out while carrying dogs 

  The "Regulation" regulates the behaviors of dog-breeding, especially the specific requirements on dog-breeders going out while carrying dogs, such as using under-2-meters dog ropes to lead dogs; carrying cleaning tools to immediately tidy up dog droppings; taking public transport with dog not allowed; getting the consent of the driver and fellow passengers in case of taking a taxi with dog.

  The "Regulation" also stipulates specific requirements on the prohibited zones (dog-breeding & dog-accessing prohibited), dog-injured responsibilities, quarantine and disposal of sick dogs, and detailed requirements for containment, adoption and management.
In addition, the "Regulation" also gives units and individuals the right of informing, stipulating that the relevant departments should establish a reward system for informing, and the information received should be processed within 24 hours, and the handing situation should be notified to the informers.

The county-level people's government delimits the specific scope of dog-breeding regional management

  Wenzhou municipal government plans to implement a dog-breeding regional management system. The whole city is divided into key management areas and general management areas. The county-level (municipal-level, district-level) people's government delimits the specific scope of different management areas, and determines the area and time for prohibiting from walking the dogs, and reports them to the public.

 According to the "Regulation", the public security departments will propose the catalogue and standards for prohibitive breeding of fierce dogs and large dogs. Dog-breeding registration system is implemented in key management areas. No units or individuals are allowed to keep dogs without registration. Except for guide dogs and assistant dogs for senior disabled individuals, each household is limited to keep an ordinary dog, and the individuals who keep the dog should have full civil capacity and have permanent place of residence in the city.

  For dog-breeding management, it is important to do a mandatory immunization. The "Regulation" points out that Wenzhou municipal government has implemented a system of mandatory immunization upon breeding-dogs. Dogs must be vaccinated with rabies vaccine and apply for the Immunization Certificate for Dog within 15 days of the birth of the dog or before the expiration of the immunization interval.

  Dog-breeding registration is carried out in a way of One dog with one certificate. The dog-breeder in the key management area shall, within 10 days from the date of obtaining the dogs immunization certificate, carry the relevant materials to the dog-breeding registration service point set up or entrusted by the comprehensive administrative law enforcement department for initial registration.

The information of dog-breeder and dog must be saved into the dog-breeding management service information system

The dog-breeding registration certificate is valid for one year. Before the expiration of the certificate, the dog-breeder can renew the registration with the dog-breeding registration certificate and the immunization certificate for dog, and extend the validity period of the dog-breeding registration for one more year.

  According to the "Regulation", the name of the dog-breeder (unit name), residence address and contact information, dog photo, dog type and other information should be saved into the dog-breeding management service information system. Once the input information is changed due to the sale or gift-exchange of the dog, the dog-breeder must apply for change registration in time. If a dog is missing or dies, the dog-breeder must go through the missing registration or cancellation of registration. If the dog is abandoned and cannot be disposed of by self, the dog-breeder should take the dog to the shelter and finish the cancellation of registration.

  The "Regulation" also provides detailed regulations on the fees of dog-breeding management services, mainly for management services spending such as dog registration, containment, immunization, quarantine and dog-injured medical assistance. For the dog-breeding in key management areas, dog-breeder shall pay the management service fee in annual. The payment rate is each one 300 yuan for the first year and 200 yuan for the second year. For the guide dogs kept by the blind people , the assistant dogs kept by the senior disabled people and dogs kept by the widowed old people with low-income treatment, dog-breeder are exempt from the management service fee. For the dog shelter or the non-profit dog rescue organization who are devoted to protect the stray dog and the abandoned dog, they are exempt from the management service fee during the adoption period. For the individuals who adopt the stray dog or abandoned dogs in adoption shelter, the management service fee will be exempted within three years. If the dog is sterilized,  the management service fee will be exempted within three years by virtue of the sterilization certificate.