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Wenzhou Youthtalk Focuses on the "Belt and Road Initiative"
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2024-01-16 | 579 Views: | Share:

On the afternoon of 10th January, the salon titled "Wenzhou Youthtalk -A Road of Splendor" was held in Wenzhou Overseas Media Center. More than 30 international friends from more than 10 countries, including Iran, Pakistan, Cambodia, Mongolia and Mozambique, were invited to attend the event. They were high-level talents and international students from Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou University and Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College. The event was hosted by Wenzhou People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and organized by Wenzhou Overseas Media Center.

Sun Jianqiang, general manager of Mozambique Green Industrial Park, a subsidiary of Tsingshan Industrial Co., Ltd, was the first speaker at the salon through online video-talk. He said that since the "Belt and Road" initiative was put forward, a large number of Chinese enterprises have gone to the related countries to make investments, bringing a large number of employment opportunities for local people. Tsingshan Industrial Co., Ltd has also further accelerated its overseas construction, investing in infrastructure projects such as ports and terminals in Mozambique and Zimbabwe to promote the development of local industries.

In the subsequent speeches, Giti from Iran, a post-doctoral researcher in analytical chemistry at Wenzhou Medical University, shared her indissoluble bond with China. Since she was a child, she often received gifts that were "made in China" from her family. Those gifts made her very interested in China which is thousands of miles away from her hometown. Now she has been working and living in Wenzhou for one and a half years, falling in love with this city more. She hopes that there will be closer co-operation between the two countries in the fields of economy, trade, and culture in the future.

PhD Mahtab, who works in Oujiang Laboratory, is also from Iran. She said that China and Iran have a deep history of cooperation in medicine. The "Huihui Formularies" in Ming Dynasty was a good representative of the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Persian traditional medicine. Nowadays, the two countries have also been cooperating very closely in terms of medicines and industrial production equipment. Looking into the future, she believes that there will be more cooperation between the two countries.