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Wenzhou Youthtalk Focuses on the "Belt and Road Initiative"
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2024-01-16 | 607 Views: | Share:

Lou Liaofan, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government and vice president of Wenzhou People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, made a concluding speech. He said that Wenzhou will actively carry out the high-level visits to the sister cities, accelerate the construction of a three-dimensional composite transport system composed of waterway, railway, highway and air transportation, build a regional distribution center for imported liquor, fresh products, affordable luxury commodities and bulk goods, promote domestic enterprises to invest abroad, and vigorously promote the Wenzhou culture to go out and tell the stories of China and Wenzhou.

In the subsequent free discussion, the Chinese and foreign youth representatives had a hot discussion over various topics, such as Wenzhou’s international development and service, and the cooperation and exchange between Wenzhou and the countries along the "Belt and Road" in the fields of economy and trade, culture, science and technology, etc.