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Discovery of the Millennium Ancient Trade Port Site in Wenzhou
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-09-30 | 909 Views: | Share:

On September 28, a major archaeological discovery at the Shuomen ancient port site in Wenzhou was announced at the work meeting of the major project "Chinese Archeology" held by State Administration of Cultural Heritage. The ancient ruin is located at the east end of Wangjiang East Road, Lucheng District, Wenzhou. In October 2021, it was discovered in the archaeological preparatory work of the underpass project of Wangjiang Road. After Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Wenzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology jointly carried out archaeological exploration and excavation, the remains of ancient city gate, grouped wharfs, brick paved roads, wooden plank roads, ganlan-styled residential architectures, water wells, ash pits and other well-preserved ancient relics have been unearthed. Furthermore, 2 sunken ships have been discovered, as well as several tons of porcelain pieces in Song and Yuan Dynasties, and various forms of lacquer wares,wood wares and other important relics. The age span of all kinds of relics lasted from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Republic of China, especially the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

Location of the ancient ruin of Shuomen Ancient Port in Wenzhou


The slope wharf in Northern Song Dynasty


The step wharf in Southern Song Dynasty


The 2 shipwrecks found at the ancient ruin are both “Fuchuan” (a kind of ship in ancient China). One of them is severely deformed on the bow and partial hull. It’s split into two sections with a total residual length of 12.4 meters and a maximum residual width of 4.1 meters. The hull plates are scale-shaped overlapped and wedged with iron nails. According to the number of remaining bulkhead panels, the total length of the ship is about 20 meters. Another wreck was found at the bottom of the 9-meter-deep foundation pit of western tunnel and is still being excavated.