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Xinhua News & WenzhouDaily jointly focus cameras on Jinhua Ham
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-04-06 | 392 Views: | Share:
Xinhua News & WenzhouDaily jointly focus cameras on Jinhua Ham

Jinhua Ham originated from Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province in eastern China. Similar to the world-famous Spanish ham, it is a delicacy that has been passed down for thousands of years. Zheng Mengyu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, partnered Alex, a British anchor of Wenzhou Overseas Media Center (WenzhouDaily), to taste Jinhua ham and explore the story behind it.


More than a thousand years ago, local people started making dry-cured ham so that they could keep their food longer.


This traditional technique was passed down to this day, generation by generation.


The traditional Jinhua ham is hand-made by the masters. The local people select the "panda pigs" in average to small size, and use their hind legs to make Jinhua ham, which retains the unique flavor of Jinhua ham.