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Nantang Street
Source:Zhejiang Gongshang University | Author:Bao Hanli | Publish time:2018-04-17 | 4454 Views: | Share:
According to relevant records of historic data, Nantang had already been famous for its abundant lotus even before the Southern Song Dynasty. Countless men of literature had left their footprints here for thousands of years.

According to relevant records of historic data, Nantang had already been famous for its abundant lotus even before the Southern Song Dynasty. Countless men of literature had left their footprints here for thousands of years. Wang Xizhi’s journey to appreciation of Lotus made its name widely known by people. Xie lingyun, the founder of ancient scenic poetry also once visited Nantang once and wrote down a travel note for Nantang's scenery, which include a famous quotes as "The lycopus lucidus living nearby the river has fully grown and covered all the roads with the lotus in the dry well  just sprouting". The Nantang Street is worth being considered as a model and epitome of co-existed harmony of ancient Wenzhou ecological civilization, people and nature.

Nantang Street is really really beautiful in the memory and impression of old generations of Wenzhounese. Those beauties were emerged on the flagstone road, under the banyan tree, on the river quay, under the old eaves. A bountiful of travelling merchants had once visited here, a large number of ships had once been docked here, a lot of tofus had once been produced here. Now, these memories of old times is getting waken up again gradually.  
"Impression Nantang" is constituted by north section of Fengmao District Nantang Street and cultural village of Bailuzhou Garden. These two places get integrated as a whole perfectly by two landscape bridges located in the middle. The north section of Fengmao District Nantang Street is located on the riverside of Wenrui River, which starts from Jinxiu road and ends to Hualong Bridge with total covering an area of 38494 square meters. Walking into the north section, the remaining traces of Nantang customs infuse your whole view with its simple pebble walls, narrow alleys, triple colors(black-white-grey) and Nanxijiang-style buildings. 

here is Hefang Street in Hangzhou, New Tiandi in Shanghai. "Impression Nantang", as a scarce commercial complex in the downtown's commercial center, is positioned as the first street of Wenzhou customs, the first station of urban tourism and the first choice of urban culture and leisure, becoming the new beacon of Lucheng, Wenzhou.