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A Wenzhou student study in US defrauded of more than RMB 900,000
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-08-14 | 1641 Views: | Share:
On August 8, Xiao Wang, who is studying in the United States, received a call from self-proclaimed Interpol, stating that her just-received package has been involved into a serious crime case.

Beware of fraud! A Wenzhou student studying in US defrauded of more than  RMB 900,000

       On August 8, Xiao Wang, who is studying in the United States, received a call from self-proclaimed Interpol, stating that  her just-received package has been involved into a serious crime case and she was suspected of this case of  state secret. The self-proclaimed Interpol asked her to add QQ and cooperate with the investigation, then showed her the "Police Officer Certificate", "Arrest Warrant" and other materials through QQ. 

         After gaining Xiao Wang's trust, she was required to pay a huge amount of "Bail Bonds", otherwise she would be arrested and repatriated. Furthermore, He even ordered  Xiao Wang to hide the truth when asking parents for money on the grounds of confidentiality. The unsophisticated girl believed what the fraud said was true and asked parents for money on the grounds of security deposits for the pandemic, replacement of passports and enhancement of Alipay's creditworthiness, finally resulting in a total loss of more than  RMB 900,000.

Common roles that criminals usually play:

1. Frauds usually pretend to be employees of courier companies, communication companies, banks and other institutions to call the victim, falsely claiming that the bank card, phone number, parcel, etc. under the victim's name violate the rules and cause breaches. Then the frauds trap the victims step by step.

2. Frauds pretend to be the police of the Public Security Bureau or the prosecutor of the Procuratorate, informing the victim that he is involved into a crime case. The victim must do what they say if he wants to get rid of the accusation of crime.

3 steps of fraud process:

1. Intimidation: Tell you that you are suspected of XX crime in a serious case, and show you a “fake” wanted order which had your photo printed on it.

2. Isolation: You are required to keep the call confidential, set up call forwarding on the mobile phone and open a room in a hotel, etc. The purpose is to cut off the victim's communication with the outside world and prevent them from thinking calmly.

3 Measures for gaining your trust : Accurately speak out your identity information from the beginning. The caller ID number is displayed as the tel no. of the XX public security agency.  Send you  the "Police Officer Certificate". The call is transferred from the primary-level public security agency to the higher-level public security agency. Ask you to transfer money to a safe account or a fund-checking account, etc.

What is the criminals' next plan?

Criminals will ask you to do a property notarization on the grounds of helping you get rid of suspicion. He will ask you about statuses of your properties and deposits, even specific to the number of bank cards and the amount in every card, etc. In the meantime, they will continue to intimidate you and eventually induce you to transfer the funds under your name to the relevant account for notarization.

The criminals have only one purpose:

Cajole you to transfer your funds!!!


Students studying in different places should be wary of unfamiliar phone calls. Public Security Administrations will never handle cases remotely on QQ or request video recordings. Anyone who sends a "Wanted Order" is a liar. Parents of students should pay close attention to the abnormal funding needs of their children. If suspicious situations are found, please report to the police in time.


Editor|Vicki Song

Translator|Eric Ye

News source: WeChat Official Account 平安鹿城