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Wenzhou Intangible Culture | The Legend of Liu Bowen
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2023-12-19 | 318 Views: | Share:

Liu Bowen, a native of Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province, was a famous military man, politician and writer in ancient China. He assisted Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, to establish the Ming Dynasty with outstanding achievements. A large number of legends and stories related to Liu Bowen have been circulated in the region. Later, the folk tales were compiled into a book called "The Legend of Liu Bowen", and in June 2008, "The Legend of Liu Bowen" was added into the list of second batch of national intangible cultural heritages.


"The Legend of Liu Bowen" is a literary work created by the people based on history and containing their own thoughts, concepts and emotions. People combined it with the local culture of southern Zhejiang and placed their desire to punish evil and promote goodness in it. Local people likened Liu Bowen to the incarnation of God of Wisdom, which showcases the status of Liu Bowen in the hearts of Wencheng people.


Since its inception, "The Legend of Liu Bowen" has been passed down for a long time, with a history of more than 600 years. It’s of important literary value, and of great historical value. Aside from enhancing national cohesion, it also has a certain reference significance for our understanding of nature and society.