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"Cool Wenzhou!" Season 3 ①|Nice! We meet a group of young people playing rugby
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-08-01 | 901 Views: | Share:

Editor’s note: 

The short video series titled "Cool Wenzhou!" is sponsored by Wenzhou People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and produced by Wenzhou Overseas Media Center. The previous videos in Season 1 & 2, which mainly showed how foreign friends study and work in Wenzhou, have reached viewers at home and abroad via “Overseas Release”, the media matrix of Wenzhou Overseas Media Center, receiving numerous likes and gaining tremendous popularity.

From today forth, "Cool Wenzhou!" Season 3 will be meeting you again. As Wenzhou being the co-host city of the 19th Asian Games, the video series of this season will focus on the theme of sports which connects the Chinese and foreigners together, showing a more open, friendly, modern and international Wenzhou.


Have you heard of such a club in Wenzhou? A club that gathers rugby fans from 15 different countries. Every weekend, they come to this club from all corners of the city regardless of weather conditions, simply to enjoy this intense and exciting rugby game. The name of the rugby club is "Spartans". 

With a history of more than 200 years, this sport originated in Rugby, England in 1823. It is a confrontational sport that requires collaborative work, in which players score by touchdown or shooting goals. With a strong coagulative power, rugby is also a medium for cultural spreading and exchange.


Wenzhou "Spartans" Rugby Club was founded in 2020. It has developed very fast in the past 2 years, attracting a lot of rugby fans to join. The club holds regular friendly matches with teams from Ningbo, Xiamen and the like. 

Jamo, who is in charge of “Spartans”Rugby Club, comes from the United States, has been upholding a goal while organizing his team: May all young people from around the globe forge tighter bonds and develop deeper friendships through rugby. He will continue to expand this team and increase cultural communication.


It’s reported the bilingual short videos of “Cool Wenzhou”Season 2, which focus on the work and daily life of international friends in Wenzhou, have been posted on various overseas and domestic media platforms as Xinhua News Agency's "China Story", the homepage of "China Daily", WeChat official account “CPPCC Newspaper”, Zhejiang News Client, Tianmu News Client, "Zhejiang Online", "Zhejiang Daily", "In Zhejiang", "European Times", "The China Press", "Chinese Headline" and "Wenzhou Release", as well as social media platforms as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.