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American photographer Roman: I’m fascinated with the beauties in Longwan, Wenzhou
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2021-06-22 | 982 Views: | Share:
American photographer Roman: I’m fascinated with the beauties in Longwan, Wenzhou

In one day in Wenzhou, is there such a journey that you can not only learn the culture, but also get close to the mountains and rivers? What
s more, you can even eat the delicacies barbecued by your own hands.


In this video, American photographer Roman can give you an inspiration.


Today, Roman, a foreign anchor and photographer from the United States, takes us to Longwan, Wenzhou. In Yongchang Fort, a key cultural relics protection unit in China, he feels the strong historical atmosphere of Longwan. In Yaoxi Scenic Area-Yaohu Reservoir, he enjoys the beautiful scenery. In Donglixia Leisure Farm, he experiences the joy of barbecue food.



Roman said: When mentioned Longwan before, I only knew about the international airport, Line S1, high-end manufacturing factories, etc., but I didnt know that there are so many beautiful things in Longwan. There are so many places worth visiting and exploring here. Next time, I will come with more friends!"