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Happy Teacher's Day │ Appreciate The Beauties of Languages
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-09-15 | 4028 Views: | Share:
Sept. 10 is China’s “Teacher’s Day”. At around 19:00, the special livestreaming event was held in the livestreaming studio based in the Wuma Street
                                            Appreciate The Beauties Of Language

Sept. 10 is China’s “Teacher’s Day”. At around 19:00, the special livestreaming event on “Teacher’s Day” organized by Wenzhoudaily’s column “Young朋友in温州" was held in the livestreaming studio based in the Wuma Street, Lucheng District, Wenzhou. 

During the live broadcast, 2 Chinese and foreign anchors who areengaged in education discussed the beauties of Chinese and foreign languages by comparing Chinese and English idioms and poems, and interacted with netizens at home and abroad,also the children from overseas Chinese schools.

In this special livestreaming event, Dr. Zhang Ci, a lecturer from the School of Foreign Languages of Wenzhou University, described the beauties of expression in Chinese and English idioms from the perspective of cross-cultural communication. 

Kimberlya foreign anchor from the US, also interacted with Dr. Zhang using the structure of English idioms she studied. 

This special Sino-foreign cultural exchange event in the livestreamin studio made the dull idioms come alive.

Xiao Rongrong,a student from the Wenzhou Experimental Middle School was watching the livestreaming, actively joined and video-linked with the 2 anchors on the spot. 

Kimberly answered the questions raised by her. She said: "It really surprise me that there are so many interesting expressions in English. With similar meanings, only the expressions are different."

Video-link with Xiao Rongrong

Aside from discussing about the differences between Chinese and English idioms, the 2 anchors also compared the wording of praising teachersin Chinese and foreign poems and recite them. The poems in 2 languages showcased their own characteristics and unique beauty under the presentation of the 2 anchors.

"Chinese is very interesting. Though I don't know how to speak it, I try to understand and learn Chinese. In the future,I will continue to study the wonderful connections between Chinese and English." Foreign anchor Kimberly said.

After the livestreaming event,the staff of column “Young朋友in温州" also specially sent flowers to the 2 anchors and wished all teachers a happy holiday.

In addition to being launched through Wenzhou’s first official international communication account "Young朋友in温州", it’s also posted on the bilingual media platforms (in Chinese and English) such as InZhejiangWenzhouDailyOverseas ReleasesWenzhou TV News APPWenzhou Lucheng District “Rong” Media Center, etc. to promote it to the whole world.

Wenzhou News Network conducted a street interview on our event

Every week, we will hold various forms of cultural livestreaming events. If you are interested in hosting or participating, you can leave a message on the WeChat backstage or call 4008678110 to contact us.

Writer : Eyelyn Qu

Editor:Vicki Song

Translator:Eric Ye