Character-forming dragon-lantern choreography(National Intangible Cultural Heritages)
Source:Wenzhou Release
Publish time:2018-06-29
This art form originates in Longwan District and is popular among locals. Oral tradition has it that it was invented in Ming Dynasty by local gentries purposefully as birthday celebration ...
This art form originates in Longwan District and is popular among locals. Oral tradition has it that it was invented in Ming Dynasty by local gentries purposefully as birthday celebration performance for Elder Zhang who retired and returned homeland from his higher-up position. During the dance, the dragon head and tail are manipulated by one person each while the body in between requires nine. The dragon body has nine connected links, structured by bamboo skeleton wrapped in soft silk cloth with colorful dragon scales painting. In order for dancers to form characters, the gap between links are set at 3m and half, with the two links in the center especially distanced with 4m and a half’s gap; moreover, the tail and the ball are both severed from the main body. 24 characters, including “Tian Xia Tai Ping”(world peace), “Yuan Zheng Da Ji”(major fortune), “Ren Kou Tai Ping”(peace for people), and “Guang Tian Hua Ri”(bright day and righteous sun), etc., phrases expressing people’s pursuits and wishes for happiness, can be rapidly formed in dancing. The choreography was enrolled in the third list of National ICH in 2011.