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Lucheng businessmen in Vietnam’s Long Jiang Industrial Park
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2023-03-16 | 828 Views: | Share:

"I appreciate Wenzhou people’s professional competence." said Martion from Italy, the chairman from Wenzhou Laser Pentium Co,.Ltd.

"At first, I only planned to stay in Wenzhou for just two weeks, but I found out that there are many business opportunities in Wenzhou, then I chose to settle down in Wenzhou." said Alperfrom Turkey,the manager of International Trade Department of Union Electric Co., Ltd.

In recent years, many foreigners have been doing business in Wenzhou and have fallen in love with this city. In the new tide of global exploration and development, Wenzhou enterprises are actively "going out", and have built many industrial parks in foreign lands, adding fuels to drive the international development of Wenzhou businesses. Today, we are telling you the story of Long Jiang Industrial Park in Vietnam.

Long Jiang Industrial Park in Vietnam, invested by Wenzhou Tien Giang Investment Management Co., Ltd. in 2007, is located in Tan Lap, Tan Phuoc, Tien Giang Province, South Vietnam. The project is 100% owned by Chinese enterprises. By the end of 2022, Long Jiang Industrial Park has brought in 52 enterprises, 3 of which are from Wenzhou. Its total investment amounts to USD 1.8 billion. The enterprises in the park rely on Vietnam's superior geographical location and rich resources of peripheral countries surrounding Vietnam to promote its continuous economic development. This project has not only created more than 30,000 jobs for local people, but also given a good boost to the local economy, with an expected industrial output of over US$8 billion in 2023.

Further reading

In order to respond to the "Belt and Road" initiative and actively be in conjunction with national development strategy, Lucheng businessmen has built 2 other national-level overseas parks aside from Long Jiang Industrial Park in Vietnam. For example, Wenzhou Foreign Trade Industrial Products Co., Ltd. has acquired a controlling interest in Belmec Business & Logistics Park in Serbia by way of overseas M&A holding. Since its operation, 156 enterprises from 8 countries have moved into the park, with an occupancy rate of 100% and annual sales of US$300 million. What’s more, Wenzhou’s Connai Group has invested in the construction of Ussuri Economic & Trade Cooperation Zone in 2006, which, after more than 10 years of development, has become the largest industrial park in the Far East.