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Call for Entries: 2022 "Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition, China (Wenzhou)
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Call for Entries: 2022 “Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition, China (Wenzhou)

In order to implement the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the city, focus on innovation-driven, design-enabled, accelerate the construction of a leading fashion manufacturing base, and help to build a model of high-quality development and construction of a common wealth demonstration area in the city, the 2022 "Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition, China (Wenzhou)  and a series of activities will be held.


I.  Theme

· Theme: Innovative design, intelligent future.

· Aim: focus on increasing the application and transformation of results, focus on Wenzhou's "5 + 5" industrial system, focus on gathering high-quality design resources at home and abroad, promote new design concepts, stimulate new dynamics of enterprises, and provide strong support for the construction of traditional pillar industries and emerging leading industries two trillion-level industrial clusters.


II.  Organization

· Sponsor: Wenzhou Municipal People's Government, China Industrial Design Association

· Support Unit: Economic and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang

· Organizers: Wenzhou Economic And Information Bureau, Wenzhou University

· Co-organizers: the people's governments of counties of Wenzhou(cities and districts), the management committee of provincial industrial clusters, universities in Wenzhou, relevant industry associations and units


III. Categories of Works and Award Settings

Categories of works

· Equipment manufacturing category: around the promotion of intelligent manufacturing and industrial upgrading design, including electrical, automotive and automotive parts, pumps and valves, intelligent equipment, new energy and energy-saving technology and equipment. The works of automobile and auto parts are invited and evaluated in the "Cloud River Cup" special design competition for automobile and motorcycle parts.

· Fashion footwear and apparel: Fashion footwear and apparel category. Designs around personal fashion consumption, including shoes, clothing, glasses, bags and related accessories, etc. The call for entries and evaluation of the fashion footwear category are unified into the China (Wenzhou) International Fashion Design Competition.

· Smart life category: design around improving the quality of life, including products and services in the fields of household appliances, lamps, toys, locks, cultural and sports goods, life and health instruments, disaster prevention and protection, and the application of new technologies and materials.

· Digital economy category: digital products and services designed around digital industrialization and industrial digitization, including software and information technology, Internet of Things, industrial Internet, intelligent transformation of thousands of enterprises, artificial intelligence and blockchain applications, and other fields.


 Award settings

The contest has product awards, creativity awards and special awards, and the winners will be awarded certificates, trophies and prizes. The awards are set as follows. 

· Product Award: Product Award: There are 1 Gold Award, 2 Silver Awards, 5 Bronze Awards and 20 Excellent Awards, which are awarded 200,000 Yuan, 100,000 Yuan, 50,000 Yuan and 10,000 Yuan respectively.

Requirements: Works that have been industrialized in our city for less than 2 years, or works that are not yet on the market but can publicly demonstrate their functions, with priority given to works that have received or applied for national design, utility model or invention patents.

·  Creativity Award: There are 1 Gold Award, 3 Silver Awards, 6 Bronze Awards and 35 Finalists, with awards of 50,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan and 0.5 million yuan respectively.

Work requirements: for works that are not listed but can provide design models at the reevaluation of this competition, a subsidy of 0.2-0.5 million RMB will be given for model prototyping.

· Special Award: Focusing on regional characteristic industries, hold international fashion design competition, set special competition theme and work collection requirements, organize proposition design collection, and carry out peer-to-peer design in the form of workshop. Invite county (city, district) governments or industry leading enterprises that are interested in cooperation to hold special competitions in the form of co-organization and title. The organizing committee of the competition will set up an international fashion design competition as well as special competitions such as "Longgang Cup" Printing and Packaging Design Special Award Competition and "Yunjiang Cup" Auto and Motorcycle Parts Design Special Award Competition (please refer to the call for entries). The works of the category of fashion shoes and clothing  are unified into the International Fashion Design Competition, and works of the category of automobile and auto parts are unified into the “ Yunjiang Cup ” Auto Parts Design Special Award Competition.

· Organization Award (non-judging awards): The organization award will be given to the unit that actively participates in the organization, promotion and collection of works of the competition and makes outstanding contributions.


IV. Policy Support

·  The contestants who win the Product Award and the Creativity Award can enjoy the relevant treatment of the city's E category talents. Gold Award, Silver Award designers and teams who settle in Wenzhou after winning will be awarded RMB 100,000 and RMB 50,000 respectively, and the bonus will be arranged from the competition funds.

·  The organizer will provide one free design or utility model intellectual property application service for the finalists of the Product Award and Creative Award.

·  The design works of the winning units will be included in the Wenzhou City Enterprise Service Voucher Purchase Catalogue. To provide online and offline promotion and publicity for the winning units (designers) and works, to help promote the transformation of the results of docking.

·  The award-winning units are given priority in the list of service-oriented manufacturing demonstrations, industrial design centers, invisible champions, special-purpose enterprises, leading industrial enterprises, high-growth industrial enterprises under the same conditions.

·  According to document issued "40 Opinions On Vigorously Implementing "Ouyue Talent Plan" and Constructing Important Talent Center and Innovation Highland in Southern Zhejiang at a High Level" (Wenweiren [2022] No. 1), the implementation of international fashion design talent empowerment project, vigorously introducing the world's top designers, high-end designers to establish their own brands in Wenzhou, can be included in The "Ou Yue Leading Innovation Plan" will give up to 3 years of rent-free brand store, up to 2 million yuan brand store decoration fee and the same treatment as "leading talents entrepreneurship project".

·  Increase the "China Fashion Design Golden Top Award" and other footwear design competition winners and the introduction of international and domestic first-line brand designers, assessed as "Ouyue Special Support Plan" design master, enjoy D category of talent treatment, given RMB 200,000  personal reward.

·  Focus on attracting a number of creative marketing talents and first-line creative designers, graphic designers, pattern designers and fabric engineers, textile engineers, printing and embroidery engineers good at fashion product marketing model innovation to work in Wenzhou, after evaluation to F1 category of talent treatment.


V. Entry rules

· Preliminary works: Participants submit one electronic version of the design drawings (JPG format pictures, A3 horizontal format, resolution 120 dpi) through the application system. Each entry can only provide one design drawing (horizontal composition), the content of the drawing contains the theme, hand-drawn or computer rendering (product award can be physical photos), the necessary structure diagram, the basic appearance of the size of the drawing and description of the text (the total number of words in the layout is limited to 100 words, describing the design theme and concept, etc.), the drawing must not appear any information related to the designer.

· Repeated works: submit a PPT (10-12 pages) for the defense and one electronic version of the drawing (the layout size of the drawing is 800mm×1800mm, vertical composition, JPG format, resolution 120dpi). Each entry can only provide one layout, and the drawing contains the theme, effect drawing (physical photo), necessary structure drawing, basic appearance dimension drawing and description text, etc. No information related to the designer shall appear in the reply PPT or drawings. Finalists applying for the Product Award are required to provide physical products. If the physical product is too large, a scale model or functional prototype that can accurately reflect the quality of the product design can be submitted. Finalists applying for the Creativity Award must provide a model or prototype.


VI. Review of works

 Special Award Entries Evaluation (July-August 2022).

·  Preliminary round: For the special award entries, an expert jury will be organized to conduct on-site or online judging. The number of entries selected for the final round of the Special Award will depend on the group.

·  Final round: Organize the final evaluation of the finalists of the special award by the expert jury, and select the winning works such as gold, silver and bronze. The gold and silver winners of the special award can choose to participate in the replay stage competition of the product award and the creativity award, and the final prize will be taken as the higher (except for the special award program otherwise specified).


Product Award and Creativity Award Entries Evaluation  (July-August 2022).

· Preliminary round: The preliminary evaluation of the entries for the Product Award and the Creativity Award will be conducted by means of online evaluation, and an expert jury consisting of famous industrial designers, industry experts and professors, and business managers of famous brands at home and abroad will be invited to conduct preliminary evaluation of the collected works through the online evaluation system. The finalists of the Product Award and Creativity Award will be selected at a rate of 5%, and 28 and 45 outstanding works will be selected from the finalists to enter the repechage round.

· Repechage round: For the entries of Product Award and Creativity Award that entered the Repechage, and the entries that won Gold and Silver in the Special Award Competitions and voluntarily participated in the competition of Product Award and Creativity Award, a panel of expert judges will make the second round of evaluation through on-site evaluation, and 8 entries of Product Award and 10 entries of Creativity Award were selected to enter the finals to participate in the on-site road show.


VII. Finals and Series of Activities

· From September to November 2022, the finalists' entries will be selected for the final road show, and the gold, silver and bronze awards will be evaluated through on-site questions by the judges and on-site defense by the contestants, with the participation of industry experts, relevant financial and investment institutions, and representatives of local manufacturing enterprises. The competition also held a series of activities such as award ceremony, fashion design exchange activities, industrial design exhibition and technological achievement transfer.


 VIII. Calendar

· June 30, 2022: Submission of preliminary works

· July 2022:  Preliminary round evaluation and announcement of finalists

· August 2022: works (including physical) submission, evaluation  and announcement of shortlist  

· September 2022: Final evaluation

· September-November 2022: Award Ceremony and Industrial Design Series


IX. Ownership of Works

All the intellectual property rights of the entries belong to the authors, and the competition organizing committee enjoys the right to promote, display and publish the works.

All electronic materials submitted for the competition will not be returned. The prototypes of the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Excellent Award-winning works of the Product Award will not be returned in general (if the value of the prototype is too high, a written application is must be offered by the the participant and the Organizing Committee will decide whether to return it or not), and the model prototypes of the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Excellent Award-winning works of the Creativity Award will not be returned.


X. Registration and submission of works

Domestic and foreign design institutions and enterprises, teachers and students of higher education institutions, and independent designers are eligible to apply for the competition. Participating units and individuals can declare more than one entry, but each entry can only be submitted in one category of one award, otherwise it is considered invalid.

To participate in the competition, visit the website to log in to the registration system, fill in the registration information and submit the drawings of preliminary works to the system before June 30, 2022, and the physical delivery method will be notified.


XI. Contact Information

Competition Secretariat:Wenzhou University

Secretariat Address: College of Art and Design, Wenzhou University, Chashan Higher Education Park, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China

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