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How to protect yourself during the pandemic
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-01-18 | 467 Views: | Share:
How to protect yourself during the pandemic


[Travelling by bus, underground].

When travelling by bus or underground, you should wear a mask properly throughout the journey, and you can choose a disposable medical mask.

After touching these places with your hands, do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose directly to avoid virus transmission.

After returning home, wash your hands immediately to maintain hand hygiene.

Keep away and report suspected cases while travelling.



[Travelling by train or plane].

When travelling by trains and aeroplane in enclosed spaces, be careful to keep a proper distance between people. You should wear a mask properly, and you can choose a single-use medical mask.

When travelling by train or aeroplane, take the initiative to cooperate with the staff for temperature monitoring.

Seat armrests, backrests, toilet doors and handles are all public spaces. After touching them with your hands, do not directly touch your mouth, eyes or nose to avoid contact transmission.

Keep away and report suspected cases while travelling.

Wash your hands immediately after returning home




It is recommendable to travel by bicycle and keep an appropriate distance from other pedestrians.

You’d better wear a mask in areas with a high incidence of outbreaks and take care to wash your hands promptly to ensure hand hygiene.


[Travel by private car].

During the pandemic, it is also recommendable to travel in a private car and increase the times of window openings as appropriate. It is recommended to wear a mask if you are travelling with more than one person.

Maintain good hand hygiene, avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose directly with your hands, and wash your hands promptly when you arrive at your destination.

Regularly wipe down some areas such as door handles, car keys and steering wheels with 75% alcohol.