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No need to spend money to travel around the Wenzhou! So many attractions for free ~
Source:温州发布 | Author:Wenzhoudaily | Publish time:2018-09-17 | 11731 Views: | Share:
The weather is getting colder and it is a good time to travel.So many good scenes at the doorstep can be enjoyed without spending money on tickets.I will introduce you some scenic spots worth visiting.

The weather is getting colder and it is a good time to travel.

So many good scenes at the doorstep can be enjoyed without spending money on tickets.

I will introduce you some scenic spots worth visiting.

狮子岩  Lion rock

Lion Rock, a small island in the Nanxijiang River,

is located in the front pool of Xiachuan Village, Yantou Town, Yongjia County,

There are two small islands in the river. They got their names from their outer shapes which look like lions.

岭上人家  Lingshangrenjia Agritainment

Lingshangrenjia, located at the entrance of Xiaosanxia in Shiweiyan Scenic Area, Nanxijiang River, Yongjia County, has a history of more than 400 years.

Lingshangrenjia is constructed by the streams and has mountain at its back.

It is a model of ancient Chinese folk houses.

The houses in the village are simple and generous in appearance.

It is a great place to ask for a rest and enjoy the farmhouse.

林坑古城  Linkeng Ancient Village

Linkeng Village is surrounded by mountains and waters.

It is one of the most perfect mountain houses in Nanxijiang River.

There is vast bamboo sea here.

There are overlapping streams here.

There is long-flowing clear water here.

It is a good place to take a summer vacation and visit the ancient relics

印象南塘  Impression Nantang

“Impression Nantang” is located in Lucheng District, Wenzhou City.

Nantang means the embankment in the south of city.

It won great fame in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Sage of Calligraphy Wang Xizhi ’s journey of appreciation of Lotus made its name widely known by people.

The great poet Xie Lingyun, the originator of Chinese landscape poetry, also once wrote famous poem for this place:

"The lycopus lucidus living nearby the river has fully grown and covered all the roads while the lotus in the dry well just sprouting ”.

岷岗景区  Mingang Scenic Area

Mingang Scenic Area, located in Panqiao Street, Ouhai District,

is comprised of four scenic spots (Minqian spot, Minzhong spot, Minhou spot and Gudongyan spot)

and two enclave attractions (Xiabi Temple, Yu Qing Taist Abbey).

With its beautiful & amazing landscapes,

it always makes people forget to return.

大罗山  Daluoshan Mountain

Daluoshan Mountain, located in the southeast of Wenzhou City.

is composed of Xianyan Scenic Area, Yaoxi Scenic Area and Tianzhu Temple Scenic Spot

Chashan Mountain Scenic Area and Sancha River Network.

It is Known as "The Backyard of Wenzhou."

瑶溪风景区  Yaoxi Scenic Area

Yaoxi Scenic Area is famous for its unique feature-“ All brooks and stones here are shown in jade color”.

Enjoyed the reputation as the "Fairy & Wonderland",

it is divided into five scenic spots such as Jinzhong Waterfall and Yaoxiyu Stream and so on.

天柱风景区  Tianzhu Scenic Area

Tianzhu Scenic Area, located on the south bank of the entrance of Oujiang River,

the east of Daluoshan Mountain,

is famous for its ubiquitous & numerous historical sites and a large amount of humanity landscapes.

It is also lauded by people with its "peculiar peaks, eccentric stones, flying waterfall

crystal water and ancient temples".

永昌堡  Yongchang Fort

Yongchang Fort, a counter-Japanese Castle in the Ming Dynasty,

is built in 1558 ( the 37th year during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of Ming Dynasty).

It’s located in Yongchang Town, Longwan District, Wenzhou City.

The coastal areas of Wenzhou in the Ming Dynasty were frequently invaded by Japan army.

The counter-Japanese leader, Wang Pei  and his nephew Wang , Desacrificed themselves in a battle against invader.

In the aftermath of that battle, Wang Shugao and his brothers initiated the construction of this fort to fight against invader.

It is a national key cultural relics protection unit now.

灵山景区  Lingshan Mountain Scenic Area

Lingshan Mountain is located in Chengbei Township, Yueqing City.

It links Meixi Cultural Village of Yandang Mountain National Scenic Area in the east,

is adjacent to the middle part of Yandang Mountain Scenic Area in the west,

and connects the Nanxijiang River of Yongjia in the north.

It got famous for its unique mountain shape that looks like the font of "Lingshan",

There are scenic spots such as Longtai, Shuangqin, Lingshan Peak and Shuifei Valley in this area.

黄檀硐古村  Huangtandong Ancient Village

The ancient village of Huangtandong was built in the Baoqing period of the Song Dynasty.

After more than 700 years of wind and rain, it is still intact.

It is one of the few ancient villages in Zhejiang Province

that have not been harmed by urbanization.

Huangtandong Ancient Village was selected into the first batch of “Chinese Landscape Villages”.

with its unique landscapes of “ ancient village, flourish woods, beautiful water, peculiar stones and eccentric caves”.

乐清湾  Yueqing Bay

Yueqing Bay, called as the Golden Bay,

is a rare marine pasture at home and abroad.

Abounding in all kinds of fishes, shrimps, shellfishes, crabs,

it is one of the important marine aquaculture bases in China.

It has abundant wetland resources, a wide variety of waterfowl and migratory birds.

There are a lot of national second-class protected bird species here such as

herons, great egrets, wigeon, black-billed gulls, etc..

玉海楼  Yuhai Tower

Yuhai Tower, located in Daoyuanqian Street, Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province.

is one of the four largest bibliotheca towers in Zhejiang.

Now it is a national key cultural relics protection unit.

In the 15th year during reign of Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty (1889),

It was created by the famous scholars of Ruian, Sun Yiyan and his son Sun Dai.

A large amount of ancient books had been collected and stored in this tower.

Because the founders admired Wang Yinglin, a famous scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty,

so the founders named this tower at that time with the name of Wang Yinglin’s monumental book “Yuhai” in order to show that these collected books are "as precious as the jewelries, as vast as the sea".

鹿西岛  Luxi Island

There are only 14 islands in Dongtou Town that are inhabited with people for many years.

Luxi Island is one of them.

As an old fishing village,

the historical sites as bird Island, beacon tower built in the northern Song Dynasty,

450-year-old Qingfu Buddhist Temple

Dotanyan Geopark...

are waiting for your visit.

西湾  Xiwan Scenic Area

Xiwan Scenic Area, located in the southeast of Pingyang County,

was rated as a city-level scenic region in 1999.

It can be divided into five major scenic spots from south to north such as Tiaotou scenic spot, Tousha scenic spot, Xigucang scenic spot, Ersha scenic spot and Yangyushan Mountain scenic spot.

It is a seashore scenic area that is dominated by the landscapes of sea erosion, reefs and beach.

青街  Qingjie Township

Qingjie Township, a well-known “hometown of moso bamboo”,

has a more than three hundred years history of planting moso bamboos.

Qingjie Township of Ethnic Minority “She” is the only ethnic township in Pingyang County.

The township has a unique ethnic custom and the scenery of the bamboo sea is charming.

The house of Li clan and the house of Chi clan are provincial key cultural protection units.

飞云湖  Feiyun Lake

The Feiyun River was truncated and the lake was formed out of channels.

Feiyun Lake is the largest freshwater lake in southern Zhejiang.

It is accessible upward to Tonglingshan Mountain National Forest Park.

泰顺廊桥文化园  Taishun Lounge Bridge Cultural Park


Taishun Lounge Bridge Cultural Park

The park is characterized by two sister bridges - Xidong Bridge & Beijian Bridge called as “the most beautiful lounge bridge over the world”.

It highlights the "culture of lounge bridge"

showing the traditional folk customs of Taishun and the exquisite craftsmanship of the lounge bridge.

仕水矴步  Shishui Stumps-bridge

Stumps-bridge, or step-bridge,

is a special form of ancient Chinese bridges.

Owing to its resembled appearance with the keyboard of piano,

so it is also called "Piano Bridge".

Shishui Stumps-bridge is located in Shiyang Town, south of Taishun.

With a rare bit of size and momentum in China,

it was loaded into the book "The History of Chinese Bridges",

and was listed as a national cultural protection unit in 2006.

福德湾 Fudewan Village

Fudewan Village, located in Fanhan Town, Cangnan County,

is a combination of modern industrial heritage and

vernacular architecture of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces,

Built in the 8th year during reign of Emperor Hongwu of Ming Dynasty (1375)

its mine-working industry has a history of more than 600 years.

It is a blend of ancient mine caves, traditional residential neighborhoods,

modern industrial sites and Intangible cultural heritages derived from the processes of mining and ore-smelting.


This article is originated from Wechat Public Account “温州发布”

Translated by Eric Ye