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Foreigner’s work permit丨Q&A
Source:浙江省外国专家局 | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-05-29 | 5970 Views: | Share:
Questions and Answers about Foreigner’s work permit.

s Work Permit” online and goes to the local management department to obtain the permit.

(4) Within 30 days after entering China with a valid visa, the foreigner must go to the local Entry-exit Administration of the Public Security Bureau of which the employer is within the jurisdiction to apply for the working residence permit.


4. What kinds of supporting documents is a foreigner required to submit for applying for a foreigner's work permit (working for more than 90 days)?

 The application form of foreigner's work permit,the certificate of working qualification, the highest academic certificate or relevant approval documents, the professional qualification certificate, the no criminal record certificate, the certificate of physical examination, the employment contract or employment certificate (including multinational company dispatch letter) and so on.

5. What kinds of supporting documents is a foreigner required to submit for applying for a foreigner's work permit for less than 90 days (including 90 days)? What is the specific procedure?

 The application form of foreigner's work permit or the invitation letter for inviting foreign experts to China, the cost arrangement for inviting the foreigners, the no-criminal record document committed by the applicant himself/herself, the work contract, project contract, cooperation agreement or the explanation of invitation from the inviting party. The cost arrangement for inviting foreigners shall be indicated. The authenticity of the invitation shall be promised. And the payment for the foreigner's expenses in China shall be guaranteed.

  The material-receiving agency shall pre-review and accept the materials submitted online within 5 working days from the date of submission of the materials (not