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Video│Photographer Roman's Leisure Time in Dongtou Island
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-09-14 | 2471 Views: | Share:
Today, we launch the bilingual (Chinese & English) video program "Photographer Roman's Leisure Time in Dongtou Island" to let everyone feel the charms of Dongtou’s culture and tourism more intuitively.
will be successively launched through the domestic and overseas media as "In Zhejiang" , the English website hosted by the Zhejiang Provincial Government Information Office, the "Tianmu News" APP owned by Zhejiang Daily News Group, and Wenzhou TV APP "快点温州" , "Overseas Release""Wenzhou Daily" English website, European "Chinese Toutiao"Italian "China Street". Meanwhile, it will be launched onto the social media platforms such as TikTok and Kuaishou simultaneously.

If you want to participate in our second Dongtou tour on Sept. 12, please call our hotline 4008678110 or leave a message to our WeChat backstage to register.

Editor : Vicki Song

Translator:Eric Ye