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How charming Dongtou is in photographers' eyes at home & abroad
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-09-03 | 2859 Views: | Share:
On the afternoon of August 29, the "young朋友in温州" overseas communication group was gathered in front of Wanghai Tower.

How charming Dongtou is

 in photographers' eyes

 at home & abroad

On the afternoon of August 29, the "young朋友in温州" overseas communication group composed of American travel photographer Romancultural exchange volunteers from Nepal and Cameroon, and members of the bilingual video program production team of WenzhouDaily were gathered in front of Wanghai Tower

Photos above were taken by Caiyu (China)

Taken by Roman(America)

This tower, located at the highest point of the Dongtou island, is the famous historical and cultural building of the Southern and Northern Dynasties( 420-589 ). They used the lens to record the charming old building with a history of 1,500 years. Wanghai Tower is also the first stop of this “Tour to Dongtou Island”

In this issue of column "young朋友in温州", we launch the first article"The Charming Dongtou Island Under the Lens of Chinese and Foreign Photographers".

Dongtou is composed of 302 islands with beautiful and charming scenery. In this tour, besides visiting in Wanghai Tower, overseas communication group went to the East China Sea Shell Carving Art Museum at their second stop appreciating the clamshell fossils from Somalia, Africa, with a history of more than 50 million years

as well as the large-scale shell-carving work "Spring in the Garden", which is created by using exquisite shells from four countries and spending a whole year

And on the Jiucai’ao Beach

the gorgeous and spectacular fireworks.

and unique seafood feast

made everyone really feel the beauty of Dongtou Island with its heavy historical culture and fashionable tourism elements.

The video production staff of the column "young朋友in温州" of Wenzhoudaily said that they will continue to walk into Dongtou Island in the future. If you are interested, you can also