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The "magic" architecture in Guizhou Province astonishes the world!
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-08-27 | 9817 Views: | Share:
The Magic Architecture of This Place in China Astonishes the World !

The Magic Architecture of This Place in China Astonishes the World !

Guizhou Province

One such building recently went viral in the small Chinese town called “Dushan.” This small town is located in Guizhou Province, about 1,700 kilometers away from Wenzhou.

Guizhou Province is famous for its Moutai Liquor, and is also one of the most popular tourist destinations for many Wenzhounese

There are many other bizarre infrastructures alike in Guizhou now, such as housesbridges and highways.

▲The image comes from@贵州李俊  

01 The Magical “Upside Down”architectures

The Most Dangerous Temple on Top of a 2,493-meter Mountain

Guizhounese is especially fond of building houses on cliffs. On the top of Fanjing Mountain with an elevation of 2,493 meters in Tongren City, Guizhou Province,  there is a 500-year-old temple that can scare out of one’s wits.

▲The image comes from@暴走夫妻

It spans between 2 buildings on top of 2 summits,the cliffs are only connected by a narrow bridge, which is extremely dangerous.

Cliff Art Museum

The Anlong Lava Art Museum, which won the Architizer A+Awards two years ago, was also built on a 165-meter high cliff.

The entire venue covers an area of 1,350 square meters with 2 storeys. It looks like a curved crescent ingeniously embedded in the gap on the cliff.

In order to facilitate tourists to enjoy the sight of peculiar peaksgrotesque rocks, and flying waterfalls, the entire body facing the canyon is designed with large transparent glazing.

Isolated Castle 

Guizhounese also built an isolated castle - Fort Jilong, on Xingyi Wanfeng Lake.

▲The image comes from@NKCHU

This European-style town is surrounded by water on all sides and is connected to an isolated island. The only way to communicate with the outside worldis through a narrow long bridge.

The skyscraper breaking through the sky 

Let's take a look at the residential building in Longxiyuan, Guiyang City,Guizhou Province. The 45-storeys building soars into the sky.

The picture comes from @NKCHU

With the concept of "Sky Garden", not only does the design of a convex semi-circular balcony satisfy the desire to plant flowers and drink coffee, but it also makes the building a landmark in the city. 

02 The World's Coolest Bridge

There’s been a popular sayingin the infrastructure industry "China has the best bridge in the world, and Guizhou has the best bridge of China".

According to statistics, Guizhou has 5 seats among the top 10 high bridges in the world.

The Tallest Man-made Bridge in the World 

The North Panjiang Bridge at the junction of Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province is regarded as the world’s highest bridge.

Its total length is 1314.4 meters, and the vertical height from the bridge floor to the valley bottom is 565 meters.

BBC exclaims that you can even put the Empire State Building under this bridge with 100 meters empty space.

The image comes from @微观农村

There are countless man-made high bridges like this in Guizhou.

No matter it’s the Yachihe Bridge,  the largest cable-stayed bridge in the world, stretching across the Wu River

or the Qingshui River Bridgethe world’s sixth highest bridge, the only super-span suspension bridge over 1,000 meters high that was built within 3 years in human history.

Photoed by Fu Bolin

The Most Complex Viaduct in China 

Qianchun Viaductthe most complex viaduct in China, is also in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province.

The image comes from @NKCHU

This viaduct rises straight from the ground with a maximum of 55 metersdrop (equivalent to a height of 18 storeys). There are 5-storeys cloverleaf interchange11 ramps8 exits, winding like a roller coaster.

The image comes from @贵阳小数据

The terrain is so confusing that the advanced map apps including Baidu MAP, AMAP etc.,cannot direct the right way. Even the experienced drivers have to follow the road signs for a long time to get out of it.

Extremely Dangerous “Natural Bridges”

Apart from the modern artificial bridges, there are many “natural bridges” in Guizhou. 

In Liupanshui, there is a world's highest natural bridge, which is influenced by Karst LandformCliffs are on both sides of the bridge, walking on this dangerous,narrow bridge really makes people tremble.

In addition, a small wooden bridge built by someone unknown crushes many high-cost bridges and become the most dangerous bridge in the world.

03 The Winding Mountain Road For Pushing The Limits

In Guizhou, there is the most dangerous winding mountain road - Qinglong 24 Turns.The entire road is S-shaped, built along the mountain from bottom to top, and it moves like a snake against the green vegetation.

Majiang 36 Turns is like a ribbon floating out of a valley when looking down from the top of the mountain.

Tongzi 72 Turnsthe well-known devil road in the country for its high risk, is called "the peerless bend". It hovers on a 1,450-meter mountain, about 12 kilometers long, and it takes more than an hour for a large vehicle to pass through.

The "8 Bends" Road in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province,is extremely dangerous. Even those skillful racers would burst into a cold sweat while driving on this road.

The Image comes from @张家小仙姑

Furthermore, there is the cliff road hanging on the cliff. It’s not only dangerous, but there’s rocks falling off at any time.You have to be extremely observant and alert when driving on it. 

Pay attention to personal safety at all times.

So, why are the buildingsbridges, and highways construction in Guizhou so peculiar?

Actually, it is mainly constrained by its terrain. As the only province in the country without plain support, Guizhouness has to overcome lots of difficulties to do the construction such as drill holes in mountains and build bridges in waters. That’s also why Guizhou has created so many magic and shocking architectural masterpieces

Guizhou welcomes everyone to go there and see them with your own eyes!

City Promo of Guizhou

Editor|Vicki Song

Translator|Eric Ye

Proofreader|Rosaline Dou

News source Wenzhou Library