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The "magic" architecture in Guizhou Province astonishes the world!
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-08-27 | 9850 Views: | Share:
The Magic Architecture of This Place in China Astonishes the World !

Furthermore, there is the cliff road hanging on the cliff. It’s not only dangerous, but there’s rocks falling off at any time.You have to be extremely observant and alert when driving on it. 

Pay attention to personal safety at all times.

So, why are the buildingsbridges, and highways construction in Guizhou so peculiar?

Actually, it is mainly constrained by its terrain. As the only province in the country without plain support, Guizhouness has to overcome lots of difficulties to do the construction such as drill holes in mountains and build bridges in waters. That’s also why Guizhou has created so many magic and shocking architectural masterpieces

Guizhou welcomes everyone to go there and see them with your own eyes!

City Promo of Guizhou

Editor|Vicki Song

Translator|Eric Ye

Proofreader|Rosaline Dou

News source Wenzhou Library