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Foreign anchors from 10 countries show up in the "Meeting·Wuma" livestreaming studio
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-07-27 | 1658 Views: | Share:
On July 23, the International Communication & Social Media Influencer Center invited foreign anchors from 10 countries to introduce the Wuma Street of Wenzhou to the whole world.

Foreign anchors from 10 countries show up in the "Meeting·Wuma" livestreaming studio

On July 23, the International Communication & Social Media Influencer Center of Wenzhou City operated by Wenzhou Overseas Media Center invited foreign anchors from 10 countries to serve as “Ambassadors of Wenzhou International Internet Culture Communication”, introducing the Wuma Street of Wenzhou to the whole world.

Since the center was established on the Jul 15, many international friends in Wenzhou have signed up for the  “Incubation of Social Media Influencers” project. The livestreaming video of the event on that day reached 2.32 million views on the Tencent platform. The first bilingual video "Meeting·Wuma", which was launched on overseas social media platforms, was praised by a great deal of netizens. The Chinese Embassy in France also reposted it on Twitter.

At the same time, "young friends in Wenzhou"("young朋友in温州"), our first official international communication account, has also been launched on new media platforms such as IN ZHEJIANG, Tiktok, Kuaishou, Tencent Live, Tianmu News, etc., and also on the overseas media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, to comprehensively show and spread the charms of Wenzhou’s landscapes, food, culture, intangible cultural heritages, folk customs and other traditional Chinese elements to the world in real time.

In the event on July 23, we held a salon meeting for these foreign anchors upon the “Incubation of Social Media Influencers” project , imparting them the photography skills, livestreaming methods and other knowledge.

After the event, the foreign anchors went to Wuma Street and Gongyuan Road starting their shooting trips. They visited Wuweihe, Wuliang Bookstore and other shops successively, tasted the local Wenzhou specialties and recorded their tour experiences in the form of VLOG with their mobile phones.

One hour later, the foreign anchors came to our "Meeting·Wuma" livestreaming studio, introducing Wenzhou to the world in their words and from their perspectives.

Kimberly from the United States said: "Though Wenzhou is not my birthplace, it gives me too many beautiful and warm memories. It really fascinates me. I am very willing to be an anchor and show the world the unique charm of excellent Chinese traditional culture."

Foreign anchor Kelvin told us he has lost himself into the charms of Chinese culture: "Today I experienced a lot of beautiful things about Chinese culture. The more I experience, the more I love China!"

Editor : Vicki Song

Translator : Eric Ye 

Source: Wechat account “综合掌上鹿城”