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Foreign anchors from 10 countries show up in the "Meeting·Wuma" livestreaming studio
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-07-27 | 1657 Views: | Share:
On July 23, the International Communication & Social Media Influencer Center invited foreign anchors from 10 countries to introduce the Wuma Street of Wenzhou to the whole world.

One hour later, the foreign anchors came to our "Meeting·Wuma" livestreaming studio, introducing Wenzhou to the world in their words and from their perspectives.

Kimberly from the United States said: "Though Wenzhou is not my birthplace, it gives me too many beautiful and warm memories. It really fascinates me. I am very willing to be an anchor and show the world the unique charm of excellent Chinese traditional culture."

Foreign anchor Kelvin told us he has lost himself into the charms of Chinese culture: "Today I experienced a lot of beautiful things about Chinese culture. The more I experience, the more I love China!"

Editor : Vicki Song

Translator : Eric Ye 

Source: Wechat account “综合掌上鹿城”