Foreigners' Comprehensive Services Hotline: 400-8678-110
Foreign teachers who do these things will be fired !
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-07-24 | 1715 Views: | Share:
Four departments jointly released a draft regulation on Tuesday (July 21) over the recruitment and management of foreign teachers.

Learning Point

Learning Points

The foreign teachers we refers here is the foreign nationals who are hired by education institutions to work as teachers in China and have acquired work permits and work-type residence permits.

Foreign teacher Brian Raymond Barrons of Jilin Medical University is giving classes to students. (Source: China Daily)

Qualification Guidelines


All foreign teachers must have no criminal recordinfectious diseases, or a history of mental illness, sexual harassment or drug use, it said.


Foreign teachers working at schools should hold a valid work visa, have a bachelor's degree or higher and have at least two years' related teaching experience


Those working as language tutors at training institutions should hold a valid work visabe a native speaker, have a bachelor's degree or higher and specific qualifications for teaching a language, it said.


Education institutions that hire unqualified foreign teachers or falsify work permitsor other credentialswill be fined from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per teacher, and those who seriously violate regulations will have their business permits revoked, it added.

Vicki Song

Translator : Eric Ye

SourceGlobal Times,Chinadaily