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A beautiful Wenzhou on the lens of international photographers!
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-09-17 | 3379 Views: | Share:
The 10 "National-Level" photographers were divided into 5 teams to explore the wonders of Wenzhou’s poetic scenery.

photoed by Li Guoqing

Li Guoqing

Member of the Democratic League, member of the China Photographers Association, one of  top 10 Photographers of scenery photography in Henan Province, Xinxiang’s first top ten young artists 

photoed by Li Yisen

Li Yisen

Member of the American Photographic Society (PSA), Master of Fine Arts in Photography at the New York Film Academy. His photographic work "The Once Brilliance" was collected at the New York Film Academy and other art institutions.

photoed by Zhang Linqiang

Zhang Linqiang

Young photographer, contracted photographer of “Tuchong” and “China Visual”, specializes in photography of scenery and ancient construction ( Winner of Excellence Award of “Xuehua” Ancient construction Photography Contest) . He once made official photography samples for digital, real estate manufacturers

photoed by Xia Haibin

Xia Haibin

Scenery photographer, director of Xiamen Photographers Association, Secretary-General of Xiamen Tongan Workers Photography Association
