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These gorgeous greenways in Wenzhou, have you ever been there before?
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-08-26 | 3608 Views: | Share:
The 5 greenways were awarded the titles of the third​ most beautiful greenways in Wenzhou.

  The list ofThe third most beautiful greenways in Wenzhou was recently announced by the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau. The 5 greenways as the Tianjin River Greenway in Ruian, the Riverside Greenway along the North Bank of Oujiang River, the Jiuhuang Line Greenway in Yongjia, the Huichang River Water Park Greenway in Lucheng, the Yunding Greenway in Wencheng were awarded the titles of the third most beautiful greenways in Wenzhou.

The Tianjin River Greenway in Ruian

The Tianjin River Greenway and the rural scenery are perfectly integrated here. Various recreational points and tourism infrastructure facilities have been set up owing to taking into account the demands of the villagers for leisure and the development of rural tourism.

 The Riverside Greenway along the North Bank of Oujiang River

The Riverside Greenway along the North Bank of Oujiang River has total length of 6.8 kilometers. It overlooks the natural landscapes and regions on the north bank of the Oujiang River while looking from afar at the city skyline on the south bank. You can feel the unique charm of the city blended into scenery, the beauties emerging everywhere" when roaming along the greenway.

The Jiuhuang Line Greenway in Yongjia

The Jiuhuang Line Greenway in Yongjia is located in the core of Daruoyan Scenic Spotthe, the central area of Xiaonanxi. It is 10 kilometers long and is connected with many scenic spots along the line such as Daitou Ancient Village, Yaxia Reservoir, Shier Peak and Taogong Cave. It is an important roadway for Daruoyan rural tourism.

 The Huichang River Water Park Greenway in Lucheng
