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The new standard of household waste classification will be implemented from August 1st in Wenzhou
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2019-07-04 | 1266 Views: | Share:
The new standard of household waste classification will be implemented from August 1st in Wenzhou. Provisions have already been stipulated for waste types, sorting distribution, sorting collection, sorting delivery, and sorting disposal of household waste.
As the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau announced, according to theClassification Standard for Urban Household Waste in the Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Construction Standard issued by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the new standard of household waste classification will be implemented from August 1st in Wenzhou. Provisions have already been stipulated for waste types, sorting distribution, sorting collection, sorting delivery, and sorting disposal of household waste.

According to the “Classification Standard for Urban Household Waste”, the household waste is divided into four categories: recyclable waste, hazardous waste, perishable waste and other waste.

Recyclable waste

Recyclable waste mainly includes: Paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Recyclable waste should be put into blue trash cans as the requirements and is encouraged to be sold out.

Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste mainly includes: Scrapped batteries, scrapped light tubes and lamp bulbs, household chemicals and others. Keep the integrity of the items when hazardous waste is placed. Measures of preventing leakage of harmful substances should be taken in the process of handling harmful batteries. Disposing of scrapped fluorescent tubes should prevent the tubes from being broken.

Perishable waste

  Perishable waste mainly includes: Kitchen Food waste and fresh waste. Perishable waste should be put into green trash cans, and are usually treated with aerobic compost, anaerobic or natural technology.

Other waste

   Other waste: All household waste except the aforementioned three kinds of waste. Other waste should be put into the gray trash cans and is sent to incineration for power-generation.

The behavior of placing unclassified waste will
 be subject to administrative punishment.

  According to Article 26 of the “Regulations of Classification of Urban Household Wastes in Zhejiang Province”, if the unit or individual violates this regulation, the City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Administrative Department is obliged to persuade them to make corrections. If the unit or individual still refuses to accept persuasion, a fine of 200 yuan or less will be imposed upon the individual, and a fine of 500 yuan or more and 5,000 yuan or less will be imposed upon the unit.
