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The story of Jiang Jie and his transnational aluminum business
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-08-12 | 439 Views: | Share:

Wenzhou, which is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, has nearly 700,000 overseas Chinese and 344,000 relatives of returned overseas Chinese. The overseas Chinese of Wenzhou descent have established 350 overseas Chinese groups in 131 countries and regions, setting off a surging wave of “making contribution to hometown” at abroad. In recent years, more and more overseas Chinese have returned back to invest in their hometown and start new businesses.


In order to share the stories of “overseas Chinese and common prosperity”to the entire world, a series of video program titled with "Welcome to the 20th National Congress, Overseas Chinese Facilitating the Realization of Common Prosperity", which is sponsored by Wenzhou Overseas Chinese Federation, produced and broadcast by Wenzhou Overseas Media Center, has been launched. This series of video program is themed in "Overseas Chinese Helping the Development of Wenzhou", and aims to display a bunch of vivid practical samples reflecting the strength of overseas Chinese in the construction of the Wenzhou Common Prosperity Demonstration Area with a close-to-life, effective and popular method.


In this first episode, we will follow in the footsteps of Chen Mengyao, the Portuguese-Chinese anchor of Wenzhou Overseas Media Center, to learn the story of Jiang Jie, an overseas Chinese businessman, and his transnational aluminum business. In the next stage, our film crew will visit different counties (cities, districts) in Wenzhou to record the strength of overseas Chinese on the way of construction of common prosperity. So please stay tuned!