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Foreign friends celebrate traditional Chinese solar term - Minor Heat
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-07-11 | 1000 Views: | Share:

This July 7th is ”Minor Heat”, one of 24 traditional Chinese solar terms. For introducing Chinese solar terms to foreigners, on the afternoon of July 6th, Wenzhou Spiritual Civilization Development Guidance Center and Wenzhou Overseas Media Center jointly organized a Sino-foreign cultural exchange titled with "Minor Heat · Chinese Breeze". Foreign friends from Africa and Europe were invited to participate.

At the event, Mr. Zhu Ming, a Wenzhou folklore expert, vividly described the evolution of “Minor Heat” in Wenzhou from the perspective of food, clothing, housing and transportation that local people have experienced from the ancient time to nowadays. Furthermore, he introduced Wenzhou’s unique “Summer Tea” public welfare activity to participants. From his narration, our foreign friends could feel the charm of Chinese solar terms and characteristic Wenzhou culture. In particular, Mr. Zhu  presented  “bean jelly”and “grass jelly”,the traditional summer heat-relieving food, to them. And Mr. Huang Baoliang, a calligrapher from Qidu in Lucheng, participated in interaction with our foreign friends by inviting them to make calligraphy-folding-fans. After the event, Mr.Huang gave each participant a fan as gift.


It is reported that foreigners participating in this event are all members of the international volunteer team founded by Wenzhou Overseas Media Center. These international volunteers often  carry out voluntary services such as traffic dispersion, error-correction upon foreign language signage, garbage-sorting and so on. Next, the Wenzhou Overseas Media Center will continue to expand this international volunteer team, attracting more outstanding foreign friends to build a happy Wenzhou together.


If you are interested in serving as an international volunteer in Wenzhou, you can leave a message in the backstage of WeChat account "WenzhouDaily", or call our hotline 4008678110 for registration.