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Meet another Wenzhou hidden in an old map
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-07-29 | 3912 Views: | Share:
A Wenzhou old map made in 1945 inspires a foreigner's interest in Wenzhou's history.

Meet another Wenzhou hidden in an old map


A Wenzhou old map made in 1945 inspires a foreigner's interest in Wenzhou's history.

A Wenzhou old map made in 1945 inspires a foreigner's interest in Wenzhou's history.


The foreign protagonist of this video show is Craig from the United States


Craig's story starts from an old map. Let’s look for another Wenzhou hidden in the old map through his perspective.


Craig has lived in Wenzhou for 5 years and married a Chinese wife. So he is a "foreign son-in-law" of Wenzhou now. In his free time, he likes to read booksstudy the history of the 20th century and collect old photos

Craig在温州已经生活了五年,还娶了中国妻子,成了一位 “洋女婿”。在他的空余时间,他爱好看书、研究20世纪的历史和收藏老旧的照片。

Craig has told his own story to Wenzhoudaily. 


When he first came to Wenzhou, he wanted to know more about this city, so he searched the Internet for related information about Wenzhou, and accidentally found that old map made in 1945. At that time, Wenzhou on the map was not called “Wenzhou”, but “Yongjia”, which puzzled Craig. Later, he also visited those former sites and scenic spots one by one based on the place names marked on the map. He was really enjoying this searching process.


Jiangxin Island 江心屿

In this video show produced by WenzhouDaily, we took him to the former site of the British Consulate General on Jiangxin Island in Wenzhou


the former site of the British Consulate General) 英领事馆旧址

In addition, we also helped him solve his questions and confusion about the map by making an appointment for him with Wenzhou local geographical and cultural author


In the next phase, Wenzhoudaily will organize more experienceactivities to lead foreign friends who are interested in Wenzhou’s culture to feel the charms of Wenzhou at close quarters.



WriterEyelyn Qu

EditorVicki Song

Translator:Eric Ye

Photographer:Leslie Wu