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International volunteers join the"Joyful Classroom"with kids
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2023-03-10 | 812 Views: | Share:

Wenzhou international volunteers from the United States, Canada and other countries joined the "Joyful Classroom" and carried out a cultural change together with more than 10 children in Danan Sub-district, Lucheng District on Mar 4th. The activity was hosted by Wenzhou People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and Wenzhou Overseas Media Center, organized by Danan Sub-district and Lucheng Immigration Service Center.

It’s reported that these international volunteers included Kimberly, an American associate professor from Wenzhou University, and foreign teachers from primary schools and kindergartens. The cultural exchange was themed with “rabbit”. Kimberly said in Chinese lunar calendar, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. In Chinese folk culture, Rabbit has a good meaning. It’s a symbol of good fortune, benevolence and longevity. During the activity, each volunteer interacted with kids enthusiastically. All of them had a good time. Devione, a volunteer who specializes in musical instruments, sung English children's songs and performed a clarinet for children.

Since last year, Wenzhou Overseas Media Center has joined forces with Wenzhou International Culture Association, Wenzhou People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Publicity Department of CPC Lucheng District Committee to organize a series of international volunteering activities for enhancing Wenzhou’s level of international service, such as launching an international volunteer logo "I ♥ WZ", holding discussions with "Little Overseas Communication Officers" in primary schools, correcting errors on foreign language signage, and carrying out public welfare activities in community. In the next stage, for the forthcoming Hangzhou Asian Games, as a co-host city, Wenzhou will organize a variety of activities to support this Asian Games.