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A foreign family visits charming Xuanzhai Town
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2023-02-27 | 420 Views: | Share:

In this fast-paced era, we may have long been accustomed to having travels in a hurried and cursory way. We have forgotten to experience the local customs and practices with our hearts and minds, and enjoy the pleasures of slow life. In this video, Tania and her son Savva visit Shabu Village in Xunzhai Town, Yongjia County, where they make vegetarian noodles, pick fruits and take strolls in the mountains. Now let’s follow their footsteps to learn the leisurely lifestyle of Xuanzhai People.

Xunzhai Town is located in the northwest of Yongjia, at the upper reaches of Nanxi River. In famous Shabu Village, villagers have been making “Sha”noodles since hundreds of years ago, and this kind of noodles is as fine as silver thread. The Kuzhu Tofu, a local speciality and internet-famous agricultural product, is as thin as paper and has a great taste. What’s more, Xuanzhai Roasted Goose is regarded as a golden business card which drives the development of tourism in Xuanzhai. With unique smoky flavour, combined with distinct taste of local goose, it has become a characteristic countryside food that has haunted countless people ......

Tania and Savva learn to make vegetarian noodles from the old women in the early morning, pick up fruits with the villagers on their outings, and share a delicious dinner with them in the evening. Such a leisure lifestyle is like a refreshing breeze, brushing away the vexations in the hurried daily life. One day of slow life in Xuanzhai, won't you come here and have a try?