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Akmal: I meet the dreamy covered bridge in Taishun
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2023-02-21 | 803 Views: | Share:

Taishun County in Wenzhou, is the "Hometown of Chinese Covered Bridges". “A bridge across the river, a corridor on the bridge. Blending with each other, the bridge and corridor are closely integrated into one.”The ancient and unique Taishun Covered Bridge is a structural reproduction of rainbow-shaped bridge painted in the well-known painting Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival created by famous painter Zhang Zeduan in Song Dynasty. In this video, Akmal, a foreign anchor from Tajikistan, tells the story of 3 national-level covered bridges in Taishun, which were destroyed by a flood in 2016, and how local people worked together to rescue and repair these bridges. Owing to their united efforts, the covered bridges were well preserved, and this bridge culture has been successfully passed down to next generation.


Taishun is regarded as the "Bridge Museum in Southern Zhejiang". In this county, ancient and charming bridges lie across mountains. Some of them are like screens, guarding the green hills and water; some are like rainbows across rivers, connecting people living in the land; some are like a string of pearls scattered in the jungles. Over the centuries, for Taishun people, covered bridges have been more than merely buildings, but their spiritual and emotional sustenance.


In 2016, 3 national-level covered bridges (Wenxing, Wenchong and Xuezhai) were destroyed by a flood, which was undoubtedly a disaster for Taishun people. Before the flood waters receded, local people voluntary gathered and joined in the search &rescue operation for retrieving wooden structures of corridor bridges. Their efforts laid the groundwork for the later restoration of the bridges. Since then, Taishun government has issued China's first covered bridge protection regulation and set up an online digital supervision platform to protect the precious corridor bridges. So, why not slack our paces and have a stroll on covered bridge? Listen, Akmal is telling us this touching story ......