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Joshua: I learn the story of Chinese "Romeo and Juliet" in Yishan
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-10-25 | 378 Views: | Share:

Our father and grandparents often tell us about the life in their youthful days. At that time, the women stayed at home and wove cloths, the kids herded cattle, and the men harvested the grains in the rice field with rice sickles then returned back with the moon hanging on the sky. Nowadays , with rapidly developing economy, these have already turned to be the long-standing memories that only exist in the mouths of the older generation. Fortunately, in Yishan, Cangnan, there is a nursery rhyme "Wanwan" still recording such a tranquil and comfortable scene. In this video, let's follow Joshua, a Tanzanian anchor, to visit Yishan and learn the nursery rhyme "Wanwan".


Joshua is a computer science master from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (he once studied at Wenzhou University). Though he is a typical engineering guy, he is interested in Chinese culture as well. This summer, he saw a video of a nursery rhyme "Wanwan", which reminded him of his hometown. Joshua decided to take a trip to Yishan, Cangnan and explore that nursery rhyme before he leave Wenzhou.


With the guidance and introduction of a local teacher, Joshua toured the Qiushan Park, which evolved from a reef in the sea, and visited the Yishan Weaving Museum. On that trip, he not only understood the connotation of the nursery rhyme "Wanwan", but also learned the love story of Gaoji and Wu Sanchun and the history of weaving culture in Yishan Town "To my surprise, outside the door of the museum, I saw the sculpture inscribed 'Famous Chinese Underwear Town' , And the underwear products produced by Yishan people were displayed on the second floor. Now the textile industry is the economic industry of Yishan town. Whether in the past or now, Yishan people always work hard while living in leisure. What a happy life!" said Joshua.