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Let’s join Akmal in making fish lanterns at Dongtou Island
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-08-29 | 444 Views: | Share:

In Dongtou, Wenzhou, you may have seen the inbound fishing boats in the distance, listened to the sound of the waves hitting the rocks, or admired its beautiful scenery that the autumn river shares a scenic hue with the vast sky. However, do you have a deep understanding of the cultural Dongtou? Akmal, a foreigner from Tajikistan, will take you to enjoy a differently cultural Dongtou.


Dongtou, as an incredible "garden on the sea", besides the tempting seaside beaches, has an extremely rich marine culture. The visitors are always deeply impressed by Dongtou’s distinctive folk cultural imprints. So it is with Akmal. He exclaimed affectionately: I’m very glad that I can experience Dongtou’s folk customs on the spot and decode its cultural genes. So interesting! I’m totally intoxicated by its cultural charm!


In addition to taking a stroll in ancient lantern alleys, feeling the boisterous atmosphere of the folk customs festival, making the Dongtou special food, and understanding its traditional culture, Akmal, who was fully enamored of the exquisite fish lanterns, visited a local artist to explore this cultural project. From the buildup of the frame of fish lantern skeleton to its exterior decoration, every step required meditation, patience and diligence. After experiencing the fish lantern, Akmal hoped that more people could come Dongtou to inherit this Chinese traditional culture and discover its more cultural gene codes! Dongtou, this "garden on the sea", is waiting for you!