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"I Love Wenzhou" short video collection activity kicks off
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-08-23 | 885 Views: | Share:

Hosted by the Information Office of Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government and organized by the Wenzhou Overseas Media Center (“Daka China·Hai’ou Community” Internet Communication Center), the "I Love Wenzhou" short video collection activity has kicked off. Furthermore, we are looking forward that more international friends can join our team of foreign anchors. If you and your friends are interested, please leave a message in the backstage of WeChat official account “WENZHOUDAILY” and leave your contact information (your name and mobile phone no.), or call our Service Hotline for foreigners: 4008678110.


The "I Love Wenzhou" short video collection activity has been launched since 2020. So far, more than 300 short videos have been produced and collected, and their cumulative total number of views has exceeded 200 million. More than 100 foreign anchors (members of the Hai’ou Community) and Wenzhou Overseas Communication Officers had been invited to visit Wenzhou’s landmark buildings, experience Wenzhou's intangible cultural heritages , and taste Wenzhou’s famous snacks. These videos were broadcast globally through the "Overseas Release" bilingual media cluster composed of more than 40 media outlets and overseas social media platforms .



For highlighting the characteristics of global communication, in the third season of "I Love Wenzhou", Wenzhou Overseas Media Center will establish a team of international photographers in more than 10 countries and expand the existing team of international anchors, launching short video programs covering English, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian, Spanish and other languages, and building comprehensive communication channels such as overseas traditional media outlets, new media platforms, portal websites, and social media platforms.