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"City to City" 2丨Decoding the nightlife cultures in 2 cities (Wenzhou and Kwangju)
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-08-09 | 970 Views: | Share:

After night falls, the city takes off its busyness in the daylight, and presents its fresh and soothing side. The nights here are quiet, energetic, leisurely, or dynamic. A city’s temperament and rhythm of life are hidden in its wonderful nights.


In this video, we follow in the footsteps of Xixi, the anchor of "Hai’ou Community", and Wang Xuehan, a Chinese student studying at a university in South Korea, to take a night tour in Wenzhou and Kwangju, feeling the different night cultures of these 2 cities.


The idle nightlife in Wenzhou is a kind of appropriate leisure

In the evening, the Wenzhou local people go shopping at the mall, have dinner at Xiao Bafang, or take night tours on the Oujiang River at Nantang. Xixi, who is from South Korea and now is an anchor of "Hai’ou Community", says that compared with the dynamic nightlife in South Korea, the nightlife in Wenzhou makes her feel peaceful and comfortable.


The dynamic nightlife in Kwangju is a kind of infinite enthusiasm


In Kwangju, local people not only like meeting for a drink in pubs, but also favor eating barbecue and gulping beer on the street every evening. Afterward, they usually go to the lawn for a picnic. Their wonderful nightlife won’t have a pause, lasting all night. At the beginning, Wang Xuehan, a Chinese student, was a little shocked by this kind of nightlife, but then unknowingly blended into Kwangju’s dynamic night.


Whether it is Wenzhou or Kwangju, the flowing picture scroll of wonderful urban nightlife will continue to roll out, depicting the vitality and splendor of urban night.


"City to City · Nightlife | Wenzhou & Kwangju" is the second episode of the serial bilingual short video program"City to City" planned and produced by the "Daka China·Hai’ou Community" Internet Communication Center. Next, the "Hai’ou Community" will continue to check out major cities in Spain, Italy and other countries with an international perspective, presenting the cultural charm of the two Chinese and foreign cities through cultural collision.