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Call for Entries: 2022 International Fashion Design Competition,China (Wenzhou)
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-04-29 | 1836 Views: | Share:

In order to promote the high-quality development of Wenzhou's fashion industry, increase the level of fashion design, gather high-quality design resources at home and abroad, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the fashion industry, the 2022 International Fashion Design Competition will be held in China (Wenzhou).


I. Theme

(1) Theme: Fashion, Intelligent Manufacturing, Innovation.

(2) Aim: This competition focuses on the fashion industry, discover outstanding fashion design talents such as shoes and clothing, strengthen the innovation of fashion design, promote the construction of Wenzhou G104 Fashion Corridor, and provide strong support for building a national fashion industry cluster.

II. Organization

Sponsor: Wenzhou Municipal People's Government

Organizer: Organization Department of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee(Office for Talents), Wenzhou Economic and Information Bureau, Wenzhou University

Co-organizers: Wenzhou Garment Chamber of Commerce, Wenzhou Shoe Leather Industry Association, Wenzhou Optical Chamber of Commerce

III. Category of Works and Award Setting

(1) Category of works

1. Clothing Design

2. Footwear design

3. Accessory Design

(2) Award setting

1. The International Fashion Design Competition sets up 1 Gold Award, 3 Silver Awards, 6 Bronze Awards, and 20 Merit Awards, with rewards of RMB 150,000, RMB 100,000, RMB 30,000 and RMB 5,000 respectively.


Work requirements:

(1) Works that are in line with the design theme of the competition and can provide material objects in the final competition. A subsidy of RMB 2,000-5,000 will be offered for the design and production of material objects

(2) All submitted works must be participants’ original works and have not been published to the public.

(3) The submitted works will not participate in semi-final competition of 2022 "Mayor's Cup" Industrial Design Competition.

2. Organization Awards (non-selection awards): Organization awards and certain rewards will be offered to units that actively participate and make outstanding contributions in the organization, publicity, and works-collection of the competition.


IV. Policy Support

(1) The contestants who have won the Gold Award can enjoy the relevant treatment of Category E talents in Wenzhou. Designer and his team who settle in Wenzhou after winning the awards can receive a bonus (Gold Award owner in RMB 100,000 and Silver Awards owner in RMB 50,000 respectively). 

(2) The organizer will provide a free appearance design or application service on the model utility intellectual property for the finalists.

(3) The award-winning design works will be included in the Purchase Catalog of Enterprise Service Voucher in Wenzhou. Online and offline promotion services will be provided to award-winning designers and their works so as to facilitate the commercialization of achievements.

(4) Under the same conditions, award-winning units will be given priority to be included in the list of service-oriented manufacturing enterprises, industrial design centers, specialized and special new enterprises, leading industrial enterprises, and high-growth industrial enterprises.

(5) In accordance with "Ouyue Innovation Program", Wenzhou will vigorously introduce the world's top designers and high-end designers to establish their own brand stores in Wenzhou. An up to 3 years‘ rent-free preferential treatment and an up to RMB 20,000 decoration fee will be offered to these new-established brand stores.

(6) Increase the efforts of introducing the winners of shoe and apparel design competitions and the famous designers of well-known international and domestic commercial brands. Those who have been evaluated as design masters can enjoy the treatment of Category D talents. A personal bonus of RMB 200,000 will be offered.

(7) Focus on introducing a group of talents who are good at fashion product marketing, as well as front-line creative designers, graphic designers, pattern designers, fabric engineers, textile engineers, printing and embroidery engineers to work in Wenzhou. They will enjoy the treatment of Category F1 talents after evaluation.


V. Competition Rules

(1) Clothing Design

Entries should be submitted in series. And each series should include 3-5 pieces/sets (Do not exceed 5). The submitted pictures of entries in the preliminary competition must be consistent and complete. The content should include but not be limited to the following: title of works, design renderings (hand-painted or computerized), sketches, samples and explanatory text (the total number of words should be within 100 words, describing the design concept). The size of each work picture is A3 horizontal format, JPG format, resolution 120 dpi, and any information related to the designer must not appear in the drawings. In the final competition, participants should make 3-5 pieces/sets of material objects, and provide 1 copy of the electronic drawing for display (the layout size of the drawing is 800mm×1800mm, vertical composition, JPG format, resolution 120dpi).

(2) Footwear design and accessories design

Entries should be submitted in series. And each series should include 3-5 pieces/sets (Do not exceed 5). The submitted pictures of entries in the preliminary competition must be consistent and complete. The content should include but not be limited to the following: title of works, design renderings (hand-painted or computerized), sketches, samples and explanatory text (the total number of words should be within 100 words, describing the design concept). The size of each work picture is A3 horizontal format, JPG format, resolution 120 dpi, and any information related to the designer must not appear in the drawings. In the final competition, participants should make 3-5 pieces/sets of material objects, and provide 1 copy of the electronic drawing for display (the layout size of the drawing is 800mm×1800mm, vertical composition, JPG format, resolution 120dpi).


VI. Evaluation of works

(1) Preliminary round: An online preliminary evaluation will be adopted for the entries, and an expert jury will be organized to conduct a preliminary evaluation on the collected works through the online evaluation system. 30 outstanding works will be selected for the final competition. The time of preliminary round: July 2022.

(2) Final competition: An expert jury will be organized to conduct a final evaluation on selected works in the final competition. And the gold, silver and bronze awards will be decided. The time of final competition: September 2022.


VII. Series of activities

(1) Workshop design. Relevant enterprises put forward design requirements, organize design teams to carry out point-to-point designs in a targeted manner. The design works for the workshop will be recommended for submission.

(2) Fashion design display. Combined with competition’s Fashion Design Week activity, a fashion design show will be held. The winning clothing, shoes, accessories and other works will be displayed and recommended in a dynamic manner

(3) Talent recruitment. Leveraging on domestic high-quality design resources, we invite well-known experts, scholars or design masters in fashion design field to focus on the design empowerment industry, promote the deep integration of design and industry, and hold a fashion design summit forum. We invite fashion designers at home and abroad to participate in the summit forum, communicate with fashion design talents, and sign contracts with a group of fashion designers to work in Wenzhou.

(4) Achievement commercialization. We deeply explore the G104 Fashion Corridor and cooperate with relevant industry associations to carry out roadshows for design achievements, and promote the commercialization and application of the entries in Wenzhou's fashion manufacturing enterprises.


VIII. Calendar

(1) Submission of preliminary works: Up to June 30, 2022

(2) Preliminary evaluation and announcement of the shortlist: July 2022

(3) Submission of final works (including material objects): August 2022

(4) Final evaluation: September 2022

(5) Awards ceremony and series of activities: September-November 2022


IX. Ownership of Works

The intellectual property rights of all entries belong to the authors. The organizing committee has the right to promote, display and publish the works.

All electronic materials submitted for the competition will not be returned. And all material objects for final competition will not be returned.


X. Registration and submission of works

Domestic and foreign design institutions and enterprises, teachers and students of higher education institutions, and independent designers are eligible to apply for the competition. Participating units and individuals can declare more than one entry, but each entry can only be submitted in one category of one award, otherwise it is considered invalid.

To participate in the competition, visit the website to login the registration system, fill in the registration information, and submit the drawings for their preliminary round to the system by June 30, 2022. And the delivery method of material objects will be notified separately.

XI. Contact information

Competition Secretariat: Wenzhou University

Address: College of Fine Art and Design, Wenzhou University, Chashan Higher Education Zone, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Secretariat Tel: 0577-86591776


Competition WeChat Public Account: China (Wenzhou) Industrial Design Competition