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Call for Entries: 2022 International Fashion Design Competition,China (Wenzhou)
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-04-29 | 1838 Views: | Share:

All electronic materials submitted for the competition will not be returned. And all material objects for final competition will not be returned.


X. Registration and submission of works

Domestic and foreign design institutions and enterprises, teachers and students of higher education institutions, and independent designers are eligible to apply for the competition. Participating units and individuals can declare more than one entry, but each entry can only be submitted in one category of one award, otherwise it is considered invalid.

To participate in the competition, visit the website to login the registration system, fill in the registration information, and submit the drawings for their preliminary round to the system by June 30, 2022. And the delivery method of material objects will be notified separately.

XI. Contact information

Competition Secretariat: Wenzhou University

Address: College of Fine Art and Design, Wenzhou University, Chashan Higher Education Zone, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Secretariat Tel: 0577-86591776


Competition WeChat Public Account: China (Wenzhou) Industrial Design Competition